Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Good morning all.

19F to start the day here is northern Colorado. Headed for a high of 62. Clear skies prevail

Coffee and donuts is a perfect start for a Sunday morning

Rick, I did not get the pergola done, in fact I didn't even start on it. A breeze came up so even though it was warm it was not particularly comfortable. I am hoping today will be better. If not then I will spend the day in the train room.
Dale M
Positive times ahead


8) Snow is gone, left as soon as the severe clear sunlight moved around the sky. :o

320 here going to 500 with a feel of Spring this week.  8)

Couple hours off and on with the layout yesterday was about it.  Today? not been instructed yet... ;)

Be well all



Good morning Curt, Rick, Dale, Karl and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Curt, Glad you had a great time at the SBG yesterday.  Hope the head frame repairs go well.

Rick, ended watching 2 more episodes of Drive to Survive last night (4 down 6 to go).

Dale, hope you get started on the pergola today, if not option 2 doesn't sound bad.

Karl, hope you get to get some time at the layout today.

Jerry, that is a great picture of Bill.

Well, its currently 63F and raining here, good day to stay inside.  Now that the modules are set up, it's time to figure out what to do next.  I think it will be continuing to complete the town buildings, but first I need to make a grocery run.

Have a great day everyone.

Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

Larry C

Morning Gents,

Jerry thanks for posting the pic of "Geezer"; nice to put a face with a name.
He looks like he was a great guy.

Curt thanks for coffee and breakfast this am. Good luck with your build and

Rick I hope the white crap melts was well. The Weather Channel revised the forecast for the week ahead;
starting tomorrow they're showing between 40's and 60's all week. Melt baby melt!!!!!!!!

Dale spending the day in the train room sounds like a good alternative to me; enjoy.

Karl nice to hear you're able to spend time on your layout. Yup ya never know what the day will bring
when the Boss is around.

Ron have fun with the modules and groceries are important; just no eggs unless you don't mind selling
a body part.

What's the plan for the day.

It's a cloudy 32 with a high of 39 in New York. Like I said much warmer temps this coming week; yippee!!!
Not sure about today but probably will pepper the drive again with salt since tomorrow is Tax Day.

Enjoy your day!!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee & donuts.

Rick another nice picture.
Enjoy that nice weather.

Dale I think the train sounds like a lot more fun.

Ron looking forward to the updates.

Karl another nice saying by you. Not instructed yet!!!

Larry be careful walking in that driveway!

Weather here in South Jersey sunny/37.  Later on 55.
Diane and her daughter are going out for the day!! ;D
I will be home alone with Izzy playing in my room.

Everyone have a wonderful day!! :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

PRR Modeler

Rick I do 2.6 miles but I want to get to 3 miles. Of course it's all on concrete and flat.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning from Wisconsin. 35f degrees now heading into the 60's!

The grandson's team lost its first game 3-5 with the other team getting an open net goal with a minute+ to go. He got a nice assist on a goal and hit 2 posts. Game 2 they played like kids, they blew out the other team 6-2 and if the goalie on the other team hadn't played lights out it would have been double digits. Just a super performance by that kid. Today is 1 last game at 9:45. We will see how the kids come out. This is the last game of the Winter season. 2 weeks off before his Spring AAA starts practicing 3 days a week for 3 weeks 54 miles south of home. I will be the occasional chauffeur.

We did meet the "girlfriend" that according to his mom the girl has claimed Brooks but he is blissfully unaware. Typical 5th grade relationship!

The Badger Women won again yesterday winning the Conference Tournament. The NCAA's start this Thursday. This is the best Women's college hockey team I have seen and are definitely #1 ranked and should highly favored to win it all. But they play the games for a reason...

I would like to venture into the train room or at least the studio today. I have about 100 containers still available from my giant purchase a few weeks ago. I'm going to lightly weather them and then decide what to do with them.

Enjoy the day


Good Morning,

Thanks for the coffee Curt.

Todays agenda is working on shingles. The package arrived yesterday in a swift 48 hours.

Have a great day!


Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for breakfast.  Good luck with the medical appointments.

Rick, hope you have an enjoyable day.

Dale,  a day in the train room sounds preferable.

Karl, hope the boss goes easy on your today.

Ron, good luck with the grocery run and module fun.

Larry, good luck on tax day.

Jerry, have fun playing.

TomO, good luck in the train room.

Philip, good luck with the shingles.

How are the rest of the crew?

It's an overcast morning at 54F headed to 55F.  It's windy too, so I'll stay inside today.

Yesterday I didn't do a thing upstairs.  Maybe today.  I'm fighting a sinus infection and will go to doc's tomorrow for a fix.

Have fun,


Great day to all, nothing on the agenda except some chores and some Cajun food at the Bayou this evening.....
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Late morning all,

Thanks for breakfast but I had some already. Got busy and forgot to check in.

We had a great SBG yesterday and yes, there was plenty of BSing from all and all had a good time.

I've got a few 1:1 stuff to do and then I'll do an update on the flat iron build. Very close tot he end.

Have a safe and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Larry C

Good Morning,

The morning beverages are all set to go. Breakfast is flapjacks, butter, real maple syrup
along with crispy bacon and/or pan sausage.

What your plans for the day.

It's 43 with a high of 55 in New York. Warmer all week with one day hitting almost 70!!! I'll take it.
Tax day today but beyond that have no idea.

Have an enjoyable day!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast is coffee, cereal, day old cake donuts, bagels, OJ, and soda.

Today it's only supposed to get to the low 70's with rain and back in the 50's tomorrow morning. I have laundry and chores this morning then I hope to get to the second wall for the hoist house. Late afternoon the lady from PT will be here. At least we don't have to go anywhere for it.

Tomorrow is the second attempt at the video appointment with the infection doctor. Maybe he will show up this time.

Larry I guess we posted at the same time.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning. It's a beautiful Wisconsin 34f degrees now with 70 guessed at for later. The garbage bin is out. We leave in 51 minutes for attempt #3 at getting Terry's cataract surgery on eye #1 today. The other 2 attempts cancelled because of high pressure in the eye.

Enjoy the day


Rick are you still in Pacific Grove? I'm going back over past news here in the lounge, starting with 3/8. If I was playing golf this week the event is at Spyglass Hill Golf Course just a couple miles south of the Pacific Grove city limits. I read Pacific Grove and kept asking myself Where is that, I've been there? But, nope I'm here in Wisconsin and no golf for me!

That is a gorgeous and high $$$ area of the USA. Enjoy your time there


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