Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Good evening from So. Central Wisconsin. Did an operating session this morning 2.5 hours north of the Verona homestead. Light fog and mist for 2 hours and then the WGFA (snow) starting drifting down. The last 2 miles in though were in heavy snow. A good time on a first time layout for me. Leaving the house and driving at 5:50 is no longer for me. Before retirement I'd be pulling into the parking lot after a 35 drive already.

We had a good time

The bar is open! The alcohol stuff is behind the bar, the soft drinks, teas, beer and juices are in the cooler. It took a bit to get a draft in the fireplace and if that is an issue we may need to do something. The fire though is now roaring. I re-stocked the firewood but last guy out make sure the firewood is topped off and the fire banked. Since there is no microwave yet in the new Geezers the popcorn is popped the old fashion way, In a shaker basket over the open flame.

The bourbon of choice tonight is a smooth bourbon. Pappy Van Winkle's 15-Year Family Reserve, a gift from the brother who still thinks I need a well stocked bar. My beer tonight is the Belgian Red from Wisconsin's New Glarius craft brewery. I actually shared it with the wife tonight. Her 1st 1/2 of beer since Thanksgiving, because of her new meds. Believe it or not I actually enjoyed my glass of the Pappy Van Winkle, the beer was ok...


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast is coffee, cereal including Cherrios, apple turnovers, OJ, milk, and soda. I'll be having my usual bowl of raisin bran.

Started out the day with a walk at 67F and heavy fog. Beside animal chores and a trip to the bank I have nothing planned except working on the kit today.

TomO I'm not much of a drinker anymore but I'd be happy just to socialize for a bit.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Morning Curt, Greg and others drifting in,

Thanks for breakfast Curt, the cereal and apple turnover will work for me.

I got a lot done yesterday on the flatiron but no photos ready for prime time.

We have bowling today at noon. I finally get to bowl. Last Thursday was my six week window of being idle. I curious how I'll do after the layoff.

Have a great day and stay safe and healthy everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Larry C

Good Morning,

Curt thanks for the coffee and breakfast this am. Really hope you're enjoying your Kit build.

Greg nice to see you stopping by Geezers.

Tom hope you bowl well but be careful throwing the ball.

What are your plans for the day?

It's 30 with a high of the same in New York. Hit 43 yesterday for a welcome
relief from the cold weather even if it was fleeting; of course they hit us with
a couple more inches of white crap.
Have to take Ellie to the Chiropractor's later but hope to make it to the bench for a bit
this morning.

Have a great Day everyone!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Grey again in mid Michigan but the fog left finally mid afternoon Monday. It says 240 down there on the righthand corner of the monitor  It seems we might have a day of weather peace until freezing schmutz of some sort Wednesday into Thursday.  Lots of folk getting ready for "the BIG Game" (you need to pay to be able to say Super Bowl :-X ) I could care less, as a LIONS fan our mantra has always been "wait until NEXT year" 

Never made it to the basement yesterday.  The Doll fed the wild hare... :o  no idea why.  I was little help, but gave it a try. 

Everyone have a fine day. 




Good morning everyone.

Palm Springs weather: Sunny, with a high near 78.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Have fun with the kit.

Larry, hope Ellie's chiropractic appointment goes well.

ACLTom, hope you have a a 600+ series today.

Greg, thanks for stopping in.

Ron, how was your drive home?

TomO, I saw the pictures you posted from the ops.
Beautiful layout and I wouldn't be surprised if you ran the paper mill.

Karl, Mike, Philip, Terry, Jerry and everyone else looking in, anything good going on?

Sunrise at camp yesterday in Ocotillo Wells, CA.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning Curt, Greg, ACLTom, Larry, Karl, Rick and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Curt, have fun working on the kit today.

TomO, I'm not much of a drinker anymore either, but I still like my Scotch every once and awhile.  Glad you enjoyed the operating session yesterday.

Greg, enjoy your day.

Tom, have fun bowling today and I hope you do well after the layoff.

Larry, Hope you make it to the bench.

Karl, hope you make it to the layout today.

Rick, have fun today

It's currently -8c (18f) and overcast today, a typical winter day here.  The drive home last night was sloooooow, took me 3-1/2 hrs to get home. :o  Why do people drive like idiots when there is slippery conditions?  Because I got home really late, I didn't even venture to the basement.  We shall see what tonight brings.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Morning everyone

TomO sorry I missed the Pappy Van Winkle with you.

Curt thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

Morning Greg glad you stopped by.

Tom hope your bowling goes well!

Larry hope you make it to the bench today.

Karl I said the same thing about my 49ers!!

Great picture Rick.

Ron I guess driving up there is no different than here in Jersey!!

Weather in South Jersey is P.cloudy/43.  Later on 47.
A lot better than it was.
I still can't get rid of this cold.
Don't feel like ding anything.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good morning folks,

TomO, congrats on the fun operating session.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.  Have fun at the bench.

Gregory, have a good one.

TomACL, good luck on the lanes.  Try not to stress the tender bits.

Larry, good luck to Ellie at the doc's.  

Karl, I feel the same way.  Go Cowboys.  Hope you make it to the basement.

Rick, looks like you are enjoying the rugged spots in the West.  Say howdy to Star for me. ;)

Ron, that drive sounds like a killer.  Hope your day ends better today.

Jerry, get well soon. What you need is a warm beach somewhere.

It's a warm morning at 53F headed to 76F.  I'll take it.  

Not sure what the day holds in store.  I just finished recreating a Buffalo Canyon Mining Company build thread version.  I'll upload the final photos before scenery this morning, and then it's scenery time.

It's Masonic Lodge tonight at a sister lodge which is always fun to see old acquaintances. 

Have fun,


Good morning from So. Central Wisconsin. It is +14f degrees but feels like -1! High might reach 20 this afternoon. It is nice and bright looking out the windows

The car dealership has not received the Maverick as of 8am this morning so that ends that saga. We will stick with the Jetta for time being. I'm done looking.

Yesterday's op session was fun. A nice layout that was a good change of pace for the 6 Crew that I generally travel with. No through trains scheduled at all as all trains yesterday for the 11 operators yesterday originated from an industrial area. Mostly turns but it was a short Crew as guys coming down from the northern part of Wisconsin cancelled because of the snow they had!

The paper mill was idle yesterday but I already requested the opportunity to run it the next visit.

Enjoy your day


Morning everybody.

Cold and cloudy here in Western New York.

I'll be contemplating on where to spend my time today.

Wondering if there is any interest here on using "Dead Rail" (POB=Power On Board=Battery Power)? I'm experimenting using radio control using 2.4Ghz equipment such as used on model airplanes, cars and boats.

Stay warm and safe.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Good afternoon,

Slacking today, Gena was up at 0500 am this morning so I got up with her. About 6 am I went back to bed.
Still worn out from the chainsaw work yesterday. Amazingly cold again today after yesterdays 64°. 30's today!

Have a great day!


The car dealership has not received the Maverick as of 8am this morning so that ends that saga.

Well, that's too bad.  I would have been interested in your experiences owning that vehicle.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

kyle creel

The door was unlocked so I thought I'd stop by.  Nice place, I bet the "fat gets chewed" around here pretty good.  Well, I guess I'll mosey along home...I'll stop by tomorrow...........nite.......
G&D Ry.

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