Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Morning all.....hey Rick, what's on the menu  ;)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good morning everyone.

Desert Hot Springs weather: Sunny, with a high near 77. But it's windy so far.

Coffee, sodas and OJ are ready. (I stopped getting the tea ready because I haven't noticed anyone drinking it in a long time.)
Breakfast burritos with scrabbled eggs, cheese and chorizo for breakfast today.

Kyle, good morning.

Philip, hope you're less worn out today.

Bernd, dead rail would be an interesting option that would solve some issues running trains.

TomO, after reading many articles of how slow car sales has been I'm surprised they couldn't get one for you.
Nice pictures of the ops layout.

Mike, Star replied with bark to your howdie.  ;D

Jerry, still feeling down?
Hope not.

Ron, getting home slowly is much better than not getting there at all.

Karl, hope you at least got brownie points for trying.  :D

Larry, ACLTom, Greg, Terry and everyone else looking in, hope you are all well and something good to do today.

I miss the Who's on Line feature so I can see if anyone else is here making breakfast.
Star and I will do some wandering around today.
Was going to slowly make my way to Sequoia NP but they're getting 2-3' of s@#$ today so I'll have to go there another time.

Sunrise yesterday in Thermal.

Have a great day everyone.


Quote from: GPdemayo on February 05, 2025, 07:22:54 AMMorning all.....hey Rick, what's on the menu  ;)

Good morning Greg.
Breakfast burritos.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening Greg.Hope you have a good day.

Starting out with the high 60's heading to 80F today. Yesterday I spent several hours in the train room. I'm at the point of assembling the tipple house walls but on one side the 3 openings are larger and the instructions say use right wall but the photo of the step is from a high angle so not clear. Unfortunately the sprue has been ditched (my mistake). I will probably end up just picking one side. It's a 50-50 choice. What could go wrong?

Today is floor cleaning and moving furniture around for the dry wall people tomorrow. Hopefully painting on Friday if everything is dry.

Rick pretty picture. Enjoy your walk with Star today.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Curt, good morning.
You can always call Brett at SierraWest and he will gladly help with any questions or problems.


A cold, 150, day in Michigan with freezing rain and ice forecast for late in the day.  ???  The next few days appear to be in flux forecast wise.  Nothing exciting. Just winter.

Made a tiny bit of progress on the layout yesterday, cut out a ~18" section to put in a bridge. 

No plans here yet for today.  ???  back to the bridge a possibility. 


Larry C

Morning Gents,

Kyle nice you dropped by; don't be a stranger.

Greg what's up and thanks for opening.

Rick thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Good move staying
away from the "white crap". Have fun wandering with your buddy.

Curt send some of that heat my way. Don't overdue getting the place ready
for contractors.I agree with Rick, give Brett a call and I'm sure he can clear
things up; others may have had the same question.

Karl good luck with the bridge.

What's on your plate for the day?

It's 12 with a high of 24 in New York; calling for another 1-3 inches of the
"white crap" overnight; I'm definitely ready for Spring. After spending months
struggling with an old laptop, I'm a Mac guy, I finally broke down, with Ellie's encouragement,
and bought myself a new one. On sale for $200 bucks off; should be ready for pickup
Friday. Even though I hate windows, I do use a design program that is windows-centric.
I design everything from Star Trek ship interiors to Medieval Castles and that's about
all it's used for. Not sure about what I'm doing today.

Have a great day!!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Good morning Greg, Rick, Curt, Karl, Larry and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Rick, enjoy your day.

Greg, have a great day today.

Curt, I agree with Rick, send an e-mail to Brett, he is a really helpful guy and responds quickly to e-mails.

Karl, Hope the bridge installation goes well, if you get to it today.

Larry, Good luck with the new computer, I'm also a MAC guy, the only readon I have a windows based machine is because Work won't buy me a MAC for work. ;D

TomO, nice pictures from the op session.

Currently -19c (-2f) and sunny, like Larry, I too am ready for spring.  I no longer have the big black truck as my work replacement vehicle arrived yesterday, its a 2025 Mazda CX5 GS.  It still has the new car smell to it. ;D   Not sure what tonight will bring, I need to paint the bridge and start laying the ties for the turnouts.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Good morning folks,

Gregory, thanks for opening.

Rick, thanks for the coffee and breakfast. I would dodge that sneaux, too.

Curt, good luck with the kit and 1:1 construction.

Karl, freezing rain sounds like no fun outside, but fun inside working on trains.  Congrats on the bridge cutout.

Larry, that weather sounds miserable.  Congrats on the computer purchase.  It's another MAC?

Ron, congrats on the new ride.  That weather needs to change, brrr.

How is the rest of the crew?

It's a nice 49F headed to 71F, partly cloudy with rain this evening.  

I started the day at the dermatologist.  I have a few spots on my bald head that got the freeze treatment, but everything else is all clear.  

Yesterday I finished with the scenery work on Nowlin's.  Everything should be dry today so I can apply the last bit of weathering.  I hope to work on the remaining two figures, too.

Have fun,


Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Rick.

I had a Cardiologist app. this morning and all is well. Come back in six months was the order.

Later we are dropping stuff off at the thrift store. It benefits the Good Samaritan Charity.

Pam bowled well yesterday and I was horrible the first game. 60 pins below my average. The next two games were 185 and 187, 185 is my average. Took me the first game to get the feel of bowling again.

It was 85 here yesterday and two weeks ago it was 45, crazy weather.

Taking Pam out to dinner tonight.

Have a great day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Morning all!

Busy here today in the lounge! Good reading all the activities.

I'm printing a headlight today for the critter...hopefully it will print.

Have a great day!

Larry C

Morning again. Mike the new laptop has Windows 11 on it so I can run my design app;
or what us "old timers" call a program. Not much difference between W10 & W11 so
should be a very minimal leaning curve.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

kyle creel

Mornin' fellas-Thanx for the breakfast burrito and coffee Rick.  Beautiful picture, have a great walk with Star and be safe.  I'm taking Gage to the MD. this afternoon; he's got the sore throat/sinusitis/coughing/creeping CRUD-but NO fever.  The nurse said yesterday on the phone that everybody's got it, and they don't know exactly what it is but it ain't COVID. I had it about 2 months ago, Patrice had it after me.  From all we can tell it's not contagious unles you drink after somebody or in Patrice and my case smootch a little bit and share a soda.  Gage never caught it until the other night when one of his buddies came by and they shared a 'bowl'.  They both have-issues; autism (Gage);...and (ADHD)&(Cerebral Palsy) Landon.  The POT helps with stress and anxiety.  So Patrice and I 'look the other way' till Texas gets its' act together and decriminalizes it for certain issues.  Oh well the MD. doesn't care or think it's harmful to Gage, and in fact has said it may help with his PNES-Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures.  Experts in the field believe stress causes the seizures. So it is what it is........Ya'll have a great day, stay warm & dry, or cool and comfy.........................

G&D Ry.

kyle creel

Right Larry...It is a PROGRAM DANG IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA HOOOO
G&D Ry.

Dave Buchholz

As a simple request:

If you have noticed some of your modeling friends from RRL have not yet discovered this new home for wayward basement dwellers like us, why not contact them, and invite them over to "our new home"!

Fifth Dave to the right
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

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