Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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8) Sun and pleasant day in it passed 600 yesterday.  A bit cooler today but pleasant. 



Curt, post more photos of your "zoo"  :)

We got into the 50s yesterday and should hit 63 today.  Foggy right now, but that should burn off.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning, Thanks for the coffee Curt.

Well my world involves shopping today with Gena. She is returning her new glasses because they don't fit. They have a 100 day replacement policy. Hopefully no BS today.

The LG microwave has died at 4 years old. One left from the package purchase an LG refrigerator. Stay away from LG!

I finished the roof last night on the blues joint. Will add the brick piers after I remove my appliance installer hat today.

Have a great day!



Good morning everyone.

Pacific Grove weather: Mostly sunny, with a high near 60.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Good news about dad getting the iv removed and hope the video conference goes well.

Larry, hope the chiropractor keeps helping Ellie.

Karl, good news about the weather.

ACLTom, thanks for watching the video and good luck bowling.

Greg, thanks for watching the video.

Jerry, did you go to the beach?

Ron, any module work yesterday?

Philip, is the roofing done?

Mike, hope you're feeling much better today.

TomO, any news from Wisconsin?

I got the three things I wanted to do yesterday all done.
Later drove back to the coast and took a few more pictures.
Other than working on those pictures I have zero planned.
Maybe go to downtown Pacific Grove for a walk.

Sunset here two nights ago.

Have a great day everyone.



Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee & breakfast.
Glad Dad is making progress.
That's like 10 little Indians!!  :)

Larry glad to hear Ellie is doing better.

Tom good luck bowling.  And looking forward to the final pictures.
I hope the fire you got going under Bill works!!  ;D

Morning Karl enjoy the day.

Philip have fun shopping.

Great video yesterday Rick.

Weather in South Jersey sunny/49.  Later 67.
A few errands to run this morning.
Then maybe we will try the beach again yesterday it was really to windy down there to walk.
Maybe and hour or two working at the bench later.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good morning Curt, Larry, ACLTom, Karl, Dave, Philip, Rick,0 Jerry and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Curt, Hope the Video appointment for your dad works this time.

Larry,  hope Ellie's Chiropractor's apt goes well for her.

ACLTom, hope you bowl well and enjoy lunch.

Karl, sounds like your getting nicer weather.

Dave, enjoy your day.

Philip, I don't think it matters who's appliances you but today, nothing lasts anymore.

Rick, glad you got everything done you wanted to yesterday, also watched your Sequoia video, another great video as usual.

0Jerry, enjoy your day.

Currently 55F and sunny here.  No work was done on the modules last night as I watched 2 more episodes of "Drive to Survive" last night (8 down, 2 to go).  Not sure what tonight will bring.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Morning Ron sorry I missed you in the post above.

And good morning Dave.


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Philip, when we redid our kitchen about 7 years ago, I did some deep research into microwaves.  The model that Consumer Reports recommended also had a history of "caught fire" in other reviews. (Makes me wonder about CR's methodology...)  We ended up with a Panasonic based on 'best set of reviews', no problems with that since.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for opening and breakfast. Good luck with the video appointment.

Larry, good luck to Ellie this afternoon.

TomACL, good luck on the lanes.

Karl, enjoy the nice day.

Dave, Enjoy the nice day.

Philip, good luck with the appliance installation.

Rick, enjoy the walk.

Jerry, enjoy the beach and bench.

Ron, hope you are enjoying the warmer weather.

It's a bright day at 57F headed to 75F.  I woke up at 4, stayed up for a few hours, then went back to bed.  I am feeling better today.  I have Masonic Lodge late this afternoon, and hope to get a few hours at the bench.  Still working on painting details.

Have fun,


Good day to all here.....

Back to the park renovations, y'all wouldn't believe how expensive the spray heads are for those splash pad areas the kids run around in and get wet..... ???
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good afternoon from Wisconsin.

Terry's cataract surgery went well Monday without any issues. 3rd times the charm! Slept ok last night but the follow up visit this morning was a clusterf...

Scheduled for 9:15am for 15 routine minutes. The doctor was already 20 minutes behind when we arrived the 15 minutes early as UWHealth requests. 66 minutes after her scheduled 9:15 time they took her in and did the 15 routine visit. 2 exceptions, the surgeon had knee surgery a couple weeks ago but seemed ok before Terry's procedure yesterday. He tweaked his knee yesterday. So his Resident did the day after routine visit except he touched her face in the "forbidden" zone. He triggered a very painful initial pain of her Trigeminal Neuralgia which brought the surgeon and 2 other Doctors into the exam room. Seems he ignored the Medical records warning about her TN! Needless to say this afternoon she is trying her best to manage the pain.

She is medicated pretty good right now and I am carrying the wireless baby monitor so I can hear her if she needs me! I am about about to head into the train room



 Afternoon check in today, gee a first for me...a new item called Geezer's it's Pepsi time...county road guy named Bruce stopped over after a large fist size sinkhole opened up in our driveway today, they will replace the culvert this spring which is rusted at least we are on a repair list...Tommy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


TomO:  You probably need to schedule an appointment with the boss of the doctor who screwed up.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

PRR Modeler

Dave asked for a picture of the "zoo" Here are 5 of them eating supper, 2 rescues are separated, 1 is In a dog crate with a hurt leg, and 2 are fashionably late.

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

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