Another scratchbuilt O scale Mexican boat

Started by robert goslin, February 02, 2025, 04:33:09 AM

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robert goslin

   For the little diorama / layout extension I need a 2nd boat for the harbour.
So again I'm using foam for the hull, balsa for the deck, and a variety of balsa, styrene, card and scrap box bits for the rest of it.

I really want to go heavy with the weathering on this one, so it will be rough & rusty, and will look like it's been cobbled together from scrounged parts the the captain found "lying" around.  Bits of old wood, tin sheets etc for repairs, what ever he could get his hands on.... cheap.

So first off I again cut the deck out first, and used this as a template to cut the foam hull to shape.  Then glued them together.

Lines for the decking boards done with the back of Exacto blade.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


They should mandate boat hulls made of that stuff. A titanic novel idea.

Nice work Rob!


Rob, I think I'm going to enjoy watching you build and weather the heck out of it.  ;D


Howdy Rob, I"m looking forward to another fun boat build. With all that foam it is sure to float  ;)  Have fun, mike

robert goslin

Thanks Philip, Rick & Mike

So I firstly clad the sides with thin stiff card like on my other Mexican boats.

But this time I wanted the look of overlapping boards.
So I then cut the individual  planks from manilla folder, and laminated them over the other card, and then roughed them up a bit with a blade.

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


Howdy Rob,  

The shiplap made from a manilla folder captures the look of real wood.  The wood grain really comes through.  Nice job.  

Have fun,


Ron, great job of getting the paper to look like wood.

robert goslin

Thanks Mike, Rick & Philip.
I think the woodgrain will be OK.  We'll see how much shows up once I start the heavy weathering.

Anyhow, for now I've added the gunwale to the top edge.  Used picture mounting board for this.
And have also added the ribbing inside the hull using basswood strips.

I think I'll paint the hull next to see how it looks.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


robert goslin

Thanks Rick.

So next up finally getting that hull and deck painted with the heavy weathering.

First up painted the deck and interior of the sides with some thin raw umber washes.
Then for the gunwale, I did this in a metal colour,  to represent metal trim so I can later go heavy on the rust

I then decided the metal gunwale was a bit too thick, so took it back to just the top 1.5mm thickness by repainting the top board. Then onto the weathering.
The whole hull was given a coat of white.
Then the rest of the painting was done with a mix of brushing and sponging.

I think it looks decrepit enough.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


Robert, decrepit, looking enough?, if it looked any worse I would be afraid to put in into the water.

The weathered paint on the sides look fantastic.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Howdy Rob, that boat is looking old and tired.  Are you sure it will float?  Nice work as usual.  Have fun, mike


Rob great looking boat.  But you get in first!!  ;D

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln



Great looking old gal. She will fit right in with the rest of the fleet. Love the weathering.

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