Buffalo Canyon Railroad Locos and Cars

Started by friscomike, February 04, 2025, 10:01:05 AM

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Howdy folks,

This topic will display locomotive and rolling stock builds for the Buffalo Canyon Mining Company (BCMC).  I began the build in 2022.

Caboose - On30IMA OSB Caboose
Box Car - On30IMA box car kit

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

BCMC Caboose #1 an On30IMA outside-braced caboose.

This is a build thread for the On30IMA outside braced caboose. The caboose will be #1 on the Buffalo Canyon Mining Company roster. The kit is mostly laser-cut parts with plastic and wood details.

The caboose is my first kit in ages, so I'm using it for practice. It is also only the third structure I've built in O scale, having been an HO modeler since 1968. I recently moved from Texas to Georgia and still have about 20 train boxes to unpack. I'm still scrambling to find tools, paints, and most of all the Optivisor!

Comments are welcome, especially tips and photos of your On30IMA caboose build.

Away we go...

To start, here is the obligatory kit photo with instructions. The instructions were downloaded from the On30IMA website.


Hope you enjoy this fun journey,


Howdy folks,

Finished the frame. This was my first time to use wire for truss rods. I think I still prefer monofilament fishing line.

Bottom view of frame

Topside view of deck

Painted without weathering

That's it for today. Next will be the caboose ends and outside bracing.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

Made a little progress on the caboose. Cut out extra windows (kit has many options for side doors, side and end windows.)

Next, I'll add some bracing not part of the kit.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

And the bracing glued to the inside of the caboose walls. It's not exciting, simply something added not in the kit.


Have fun,


Howdy folks,

Applied the outside braces. Next, I'll fill some gaps with putty then off to the paint shop. I haven't picked a color scheme for the railroad yet. Caboose red, Tuscan, Red Oxide, or Yellow. Leaning toward a C&S NG color scheme at the moment. Not sure I want to paint the roofs black.

Oustside braced caboose sides.

Have fun,

Larry C

Mike you're off to a good start; enjoy the process.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR



Howdy folks,

The interior is painted chromate, but it is a little too dark for my liking. I may put a light filter coat on it. The caboose won't have a removable roof, so only the up-close lookers will see the inside. Here is a photo of the interior (tape over the windows to mask painting the outside.

Caboose interior

I set up the spray booth in the IKEA computer hutch and hooked up the compressor and lights.  The compressor has a regulator and manifold for four airbrushes. I have different airbrushes for different types of paint.

Have fun,


I was pleased using the fishing line on my one and only Mount Blue rolling stock.

I have never tried any of Dave's kits.

Carry onward!


PRR Modeler

Great looking progress Mike. I haven't tried building a wood car yet.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Howdy folks,

The second coat of paint on the caboose is dry and ready for assembly. A few spots on the inside need touch-up, but they are small. The exterior color is Model Flex Light Tuscan Oxide Red. I have enough left to complete two more cabooses.

I am not sure how I will put a logo on a braced side, but something will come up.

Trucks are next.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

A long time ago a friend in the Texas Western, Darrell Cowles, told me that taking a photo of a model can reveal all the flaws. So, after taking a photo of the trucks, I discovered that one of the wheel sets was not on the same plane as the other wheelset. Not sure I can break the joint and reglue it, but I'll try. You can see the flaw in the right truck.

I thought I would be assembling the caboose body today, but realized I needed to build and install the windows. Away we go.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I finished the windows and installed them in the body. The windows are positioned in the cupola, but not yet glued in place.

When the glue on the end door dries, I'll assemble the caboose body, and then fit the roof.

Baby steps...

Have fun,


Howdy Folks,

Today I finished assembling the body and roof arch. Here is a photo of the roof resting on the body and the body on the undercarriage.

The close-up revealed a cupola window that needs to be replaced, and a joint that needs some work... All in all, it is progress. The model will need a lot of paint touch-up and a flat coat later.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I've used masking tape on many models for roofing, just not in O scale. Thanks to Karl's encouragement, I decided to go with 3' wide making tape representing tar paper rolled roofing. So, today I applied the masking tape and painted the roof black.

At this point, I need to decide on weathering, more or less weathering. The back story is that most online equipment came from cast-offs from the C&S since the line is connected to the Fort Worth and Denver railroad. I like the old weathered look, but not so old.

Back to the caboose, here is the caboose progress, masking tape ready for paint...

...and paint:

It turns out that my masking tape is old and nasty looking, but still holds the paint.

I need to make a smoke jack next. I need to decide whether to create in CAD and 3D print it or make it from the plastic shapes I have on hand. The 3D print would be for learning and the shapes on hand for expedience.

Have fun,

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