Thursday, snowstorms after glow…

Started by KentuckySouthern, February 13, 2025, 09:44:34 AM

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4" or so it looks like here in my part of the frozen mitten. 180:and the sun is shining! 8)  The snow started between 2 and 3 yesterday and was quite heavy for several hours throughout the night.  It's calm at this time, 9:30am.  Wind shift later MAY bring us some lake effect from the West.  We're right on the East edge of where that often cuts off.

Eggs and grits with biscuits, sausage and sausage gravy with some hand ground Michigan Maple flavored coffee, Earl Grey tea and all the chilled diet and leaded sodypop enjoy.

Out of the paint business for now, lost the tiniest piece of my airbrush, a brass fitting about the size of a pencil lead I was cleaning when I had a clog halfway through priming a loco I've already spent way too much rime on.   :-X Bag words were prolific, nearly 2 hrs on the floor were a NO JOY, status.

Well, snow removal,will happen sometime today.  Everyone enjoy the day.  We're just in PAUSE until the weather machine rolls thru again over the weekend.

Stay say, be well.

KSchillin' in the Mitten... :o  8)


Quote from: KentuckySouthern on February 13, 2025, 09:44:34 AM
:-X Bag words were prolific, nearly 2 hrs on the floor were a NO JOY, status.


I feel your pain, fellow of the green and white. And when it is Brass on the floor, the trick with a magnet will NOT work to snag a missing part.

Had my cereal and 'nanner this morning, only have rain out the window today. Have a good one, friends


Morning all,

I'll have a cup of Earl Grey, Karl.  Thank!

Oh, I hate losing something like that.  You know it's there but it's impossible to spot.  Been there many times.

I'm about to mow the lawn.  Afterwards I'll clean up and then see if I can get back to the workbench.  I'm picking up a bit of momentum on that front.  ;)

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Good morning everyone.

Barstow weather: A little rain and a high of 60.

Karl, thanks for the second cup of coffee.
Amazing how far something will bounce and eventually land from the point where you dropped it.

Hitting the gym is the only thing planned for today.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning folks,

It has stopped raining for now.  Hope to hit 56F today with hazy skies.

Karl, thanks for the coffee.

Working on the boxcar, that is all.

Have fun,


Mornin,' All!

22, feels like 15 and might get to 23 today here in the northern mitten.  WWs are predicting cloudy this morning and WGFA this afternoon, but it looks like Mother Nature has her own agenda, as the WGFA are arriving straight down with a degree of seriousness outside the window.  Good day to hit the bench, but alas, there are errands to be run and so on....

Best wishes on your hunt, Karl!

Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!

in Michigan


Karl, good luck getting a replacement part.  Most quality airbrushes sell parts.  (And the cheapo brushes you just toss and buy a new one, I have 3 TCPGlobal G90s, 2 spares :-)

We got about 2", then some sleet.  We've asked the plow guy to come by, to scrape the slush off the driveway so it doesn't freeze solid.  The big storm comes Saturday night.  They were calling for 16-18 total, now they're down to 12-14.  Still, the biggest storm of the year if this holds.

Back to the Ambroid car today, I should be able to paint the car side scribe siding pieces and then glue them to the car sub-sides.  Then I should attach the fascia board on top, and add the rest of the side pieces.  That'll be a big deal when it's done, the car sides will be basically complete.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Just finished "mowing " the walk and 325' driveway. Rather have real lawn to mow but today's 4-6" was about "perfect" if there is such a category for snow ;D

Just rode into town with the Doll and the State Hwy and City streets are well cleared and salted. Its closed up and the forecasted Lake Effect is in effect

KSinChartucky :o




The plow guy just showed up, so I pulled four inches or so of WGFA off the car, moved it and got out of the way.  I can now see it from the house, and the drive and parking area are usable!  And the Big Question is whether or not I Need to go in town for anything.  The "ET Stay Home" voices are reverberating loudly, though....

Karl's "lawn photo" is a blue square enclosing a question mark amid a white rectangle....

Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!

in Michigan and plowed out

<edit:> the lawn photo just appeared!  nice!


Afternoon everyone

A cloudy/misty day in the 50's in South Jersey.
It sure did melt the 54" of white we had yesterday!!

Still not over my bout with COVID.
But getting better.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Afternoon all,

Jerry, Hope you get over Covid soon. Been there twice and it is a bummer.

Karl, beautiful picture and sorry about the air brush part loss. Maybe it will "pop up" soon.

Hope the day is going well with everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good afternoon, all.  I also see Karl's lawn (under all the snow).  The teenager and I got out the door by 0715, while the rain was still just mist.  We made short work of 2.5" snow on our driveways.  After he was chauffeured off to school, I cleared the mailbox and plow berm with the tractor.  The PV panels are steep enough and the rain/snow slippery enough that I had nothing to do there.

It's warm enough that I'll go to the attic next; ACC isn't my favorite glue technology and the GHQ spreader's rear auger yesterday was frustrating. I'll work on the layout instead.  I offered to host sessions for the HUB Division's High Green operations weekend May 3-4, so things fixed now won't conflict with lawn mowing and 1:1 track work at Seashore Trolley Museum later.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Dave Buchholz

I'm originally from Buffalo.

4" of snow to Buffalonians is more like "Hold my beer'
Now where did I put that barbeque grill lighter?


Not that Dave.the other Dave.
About four more to the right.
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

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