O scale Mexican waterfront diorama

Started by robert goslin, February 18, 2025, 10:26:47 PM

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Mr. Critter

This is topnotch scrapbox modelling.

Just one practical design-question thing, though: When the denizens of Junto al Mar actually need to use that contrivance to hoist a bale of weed or coca leaves or whatever, do they bend a hook onto the travelling line with sailorly knots, or do they simply disregard the Laws of Fizzicks and trust in the Tibetan arts of levitation?   Because I cannot, for the life of me, see a hook.

robert goslin

Thanks, Rick, Dave, Mike, Philip & Critter.

Thanks Critter. The hook is on the end of the rope, and is stowed on the side of the crane when not in use.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

Mr. Critter

Mea maxima culpa. I'll look harder, next time.


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

robert goslin

Thanks Critter & Tom. 
I got a bit caught up looking after the 2.5 y.o Grandson over the weekend, and went to a classic car show on Sunday, so a bit behind on updates and progress.

Anyhow, we did manage to get a palm tree made.  Yes, I got the wife to help, as she's helped me before making palms.  This is just a generic looking palm.

So we made the fronds by cutting green copy paper to the desired length, and twice as wide. Then fold it in half.  Then apply glue on one half, place a piece of florist wire in the middle of one half and fold it over to seal it.
Then paint the fronds at angled lines in various green shades.
Then cut to shape and then snip lots of angled cuts with the scissors, to about 2mm short of the wire.

I need about 32 fronds for this one tree.

Usually for the trunks I use small branches from a local pine tree, that has natural rings along it.
However this time I had some dried, pride of madeira, left over from the garden, so used that.
Great looking trunk, with natural markings, so no need to paint it.
And is hollow inside. So clear matt coated inside & out to preserve it.

Then used Loctite superglue to attach the paper fronds.

To place it on the diorama, I put a piece of dowel down into the foam scenery and protruding about 2" out and because the trunk is hollow inside, it slides over the protruding piece of the dowel. So is a solid fit but removable.

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


Rob, your Tre looks fantastic.
Lucky you having your wife help.
Very creative the way you made the fronds and the trunk is perfect.



Fantastic job on the palm tree and the entire scene. Just wonderful looking.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

robert goslin

Thanks Rick & Tom.

So now adding all the tiny details, which although small are needed to complete the scenes.

So I made a fence to go next to the boat mechanics shop. Just used my usual stir sticks for the boards & rails, and balsa for the posts.

Then gave it all a brown wash to weather it and bring out the grain detail.

The outside was mainly painted white, but some older boards have been replaced with some red or blue ones they "found" somewhere. It adds a bit of colour to the scene to draw the eye in.

I then filled the area with drums and various bits of junk.

And while I was at it, I also filled up the alleyway between the chandlery & warehouse with more junk.
Barrels, nets, old tin signs, tarps and other scrap-box bits.

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

Larry C

Rob first off I have to say your mini-layout looks amazing and is very inspirational.
The addition is starting to look equally as good and I really like your use of unconventional
materials to accomplish the look you're going after. Also love all the extra details
really helps to tell the story. Enjoy your build process.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR



That fence and all the details work perfectly with the scene you've created.



The fence and junk looks great and right at home on the layout.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Hello Robert, great job on the palm trees, the junk area with the fencing and the alleyway. All were wonderfully done.
Jeff Firestone
Morristown, Arizona
modeling the New York Central in rural Ohio in the late 1940's



Nice work Rob...love this kind of stuff and glad you're sharing your build. 


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