O scale Mexican waterfront diorama

Started by robert goslin, February 18, 2025, 10:26:47 PM

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robert goslin

    I have a mini layout that is 4.5'x 2' (1370mm x 600mm).
It is set in Baja, Mexico early 50's and themed for Tequila processing and transport. It is based on a similar layout built by Gary Beatty, his is called the Punto Margarita
It consists of trains running on three levels, On30 on the bottom and middle levels and On18 on the top level.

I am adding a diorama extension to mine, but here is what the main mini layout looks like at present.
If anyone is interested, I could replicate the build here on the Modelers Forum, that I did over on RRL forums.

Anyhow, For now I will concentrate on the 18" x 2' extension to the layout, as I need it done for an exhibition in mid March.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

robert goslin

So I made up the diorama base from pine framing and MDF top, which will then be covered with foam sheet.
It has a lowered section for the small harbour area.


Then added the foam top.  Also made some rocks from foam.  Not in their final places as yet.

Then I added some FRocks (sponge) around the harbour edge

And then coated the sponge with watered down gap filler

And gave the whole water area a base coat of black. 
And the rest a base coat of a reddish brown.  Just used craft paint.

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back


Rob, I enjoyed following your progress on the layout build and I'll be here to enjoy watching you build the extension.


Too bad you are so far away Robert , your layout would look very good at several shows here in Europe like Ontraxs in Utrecht and the US Convention in the Netherlands to name a few. It's exactly what people like to see at shows here in Europe .
I love photo's, don't we all.

robert goslin

Thanks Rick, for your continued following.  I'm still enjoying all your travel photos on FB.

Thanks for your kind words Jan.  Last year I displayed the layout for the first time at a large show here in Melbourne. Had a huge response to the layout.
And will be exhibiting again at a different show here in March, probably the largest show of the year.

But part of the idea of this extension is that I can remove it from the layout (just 2 bolts) to display just it when I exhibit just my other dioramas at various shows.
So best of both worlds.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

robert goslin

So next up I did the water. Used several different blues and mixes for this look. (Final gloss coat will be added last).
And also made a wharf out of wooden stir sticks and 5mm dowel for the piles.
And started on some of the ground cover.

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

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