The Empire

Started by Zephyrus52246, August 31, 2014, 03:58:14 PM

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Slick!!!    As they say in the hood!


Thanks, Gnat.  I wired up the two turnouts, so I am ready for the next power district.  Instead of using all suitcase connectors, I used the screw terminals as there were so many wires in a small area.  I did this on the previous double turnout area as well.  Should make it easier to find a short.  As if one would ever occur.   :D



I also got the circuit breaker and loop reverser installed.  The reverser can control a Tortoise as well.  Train goes into loop, Tortoise throws and train comes out of loop.  This is if you want to just let the trains run without having to throw the turnouts.  After installing all this and finishing the wiring where the turnouts were, I turned on the layout and nothing happened.  I had pulled out one of the wires at the booster while examining how I had wired that circuit breaker.   ::) I don't recommend using only one color of wire for this.  The boards' holes are for 12 gauge wire.  This yellow is the only 12 gauge I have.  I've wired all my circuit boards with this, and I have no idea where it's from.  I don't remember buying it.   I will buy some white and black, now that I've used all but about 6 inches of the yellow.  The loop track is slowly getting added as well.  In another hour this section will be dry so I can go on to the next one. 



Loop completed and a few tracks hooked up and the darn thing works!   :D The reverser throws the tortoise the appropriate direction.  Need to add more feeders, but I need new electrodes for the soldering station.  I think I've worn these out.  I know there's some more here somewhere, but I can't find them.   ::) Need to start laying the turnouts for the yard and figure out how I'm going to put the tracks in.  The peninsula is too wide to reach across.  Probably need to do it in sections and make some removable for maintenance.  This train sitting so high off the floor is kinda scary.  Only derailments is if the train is going backwards at warp speed over one of the curved switches in the back.  We'll work on that.



Looking good Jeff.  It always feels good to get a section done.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Wow. Pretty amazing stuff.  Youze (that's the Scranton version of y'all) layout builders make me feel like such a slacker.   :P  Keep up the great work!   
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


No reports here for some time, but slowly work has been getting done.  I had to cut/fit plywood for the yard area.  I'm using a thin homasote product from  for the roadbed.  I've used the Homabed/California roadbed stuff in the past, but sometimes you have to wait forever for him to send it.  Cascade rail had the sheets to me within two weeks.  Part of that wasn't his fault, the USPS sent it from Seattle to Pittsburgh to Des Moines to me.   :o  I've painted it black to keep the dust down.  It's glued to the plywood and I then put screws in it to hold it until it dries (it warped from the paint) and then pull the screws out.  That's why the pieces have the "bullet holes".   :) All the wire feeders for the loop are finished as well.  Next I had to make sure all the curved tracks for the yard ladder would fit.  Who's bright idea was it to have the yard ladder tracks curved anyway?   ;D



i'm trying to keep the curves on a 30 inch minimum radius if possible.  so far so good.  I'm not gluing the tracks down here, I'm using Tom's method of drilling a small hole in the ties with my Dremel and using Micro Engineering small spikes.  It's working very well.  Thanks, Tom!  The light is so I can look into the square holes on the "sweep sticks" to see where to drill and where to put the spikes.  The light blue handled tool has "T" grooves in it to hold the spikes.  I've got five of the seven lead tracks done.  The spikes stick up a little, but I think it's OK.  I doubt I'll ever paint/ballast this yard, but I think they'd disappear with some paint. 



Looks great Jeff...I love the look of a curved yard.



If I was watching the Red Sox, I couldn't post this dumb question.
What radius are you using for the curve in the yard? Seems to me it needs to be pretty broad to be able to align couplers without having to do manual alignments.
Now, where is that dunce cap when I really need it?
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Chip, I am watching the Red Sox game, and they look pretty sad today.  The yard is so deep I hope not to have to do much coupling/uncoupling, I'll probably use the front tracks for building trains, but the yard itself is just a visible staging yard.  With 30 inch minimum radius curves.   :)




The yard looks great and I'm happy the suggestion/method I use for the track worked for you!

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Finally finished with the lead tracks.  I can park a train somewhere other than the main line or my one passing siding.   :D Next up is adding the area to the right of the tracks.  I think I'll have to do a narrow section, as I want to be able to lift out most of this area of the yard if needed for maintenance, etc.


UP Fan

Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on May 19, 2015, 06:07:06 PM
Finally finished with the lead tracks.  I can park a train somewhere other than the main line or my one passing siding.   :D Next up is adding the area to the right of the tracks.  I think I'll have to do a narrow section, as I want to be able to lift out most of this area of the yard if needed for maintenance, etc.


Amazing, Jeff.  Your "track crew" has really been laying down some rail.  Looks great.  Should be able to stack quite a few cars in that yard.



It's looking good - your making great progress now that you have a crew working with you.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

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