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Messages - Larry C

The HO / HOn3 / HOn30 Line / Re: North Coast Railroad
February 04, 2025, 08:43:34 PM
Dave thanks for bringing your layout adventure over here. The backdrop looks really good
and I have to say I've never seen someone extend it onto the ceiling before; neat idea.
I'll be checking in watching your progress.
Mike thanks, much appreciated.

Rick thank you; it's slow going but it's fun.
Philip thanks. The black is material from Hobby Lobby, it's black "scrap booking" paper
which has texture on both sides; it's about $.25/ per sheet. It's quite convincing with a
little white chalk brushed in with a soft brush.

Curt thank you; your comments are appreciated.
Thanks Jerry and yes I wanted to keep this thread going which keeps me going.


Now the I've caught up on my thread, it's time to move forward with the build:


Years ago I built this little jig using a pieces of actual 1x3's with the mill edges glued
and nailed together with finishing nails. Even though I don't use it often it's good for this:


This way I'm able to get the workbench square with the back wall. The bench was scratched using 6x6's for the frame and legs along with 2x10's for the top. All the wood was grained, colored with tan chalks and A&I. the Top received further graining and the front edge was "gouged" out a little with my
knife. The front received an another piece of 2x10 and the drawer fronts are 1x6's with cut down track nails for the drawer pulls.


Now I'm starting to visualize the interior back wall. The floor cabinet was scratched using 2x10's and 100# paper for the back. The cabinet was a little fidly to build since the boards were glued standing on their edges. The details are SW primed then painted with various colored chalks and clear alcohol.
The wall shelf is made from 3x12's then glued to the studs. The batteries are from Brett spray painted flat black with most place on the shelf and a couple elsewhere.

That's what I've done on the back wall for now. I have an air compressor to go under the battery shelf and a Locker with a ht, coat, and a pair of boots which will go on the floor. I'm also going to attempt making some fan belts from very thin strips of Tyvek which will hang on rods over the bench; signs and posters will also be added. Still lots to do on the back wall before doing the sides; the front wall, since it won't really be seen, will have very little in the way of inside details. Thanks for stopping by and look forward to your comments/suggestion.
Thanks Mike, sorry I missed your post. The roof is all planned out;
now I just need to get the other stuff done first.
Mike you're off to a good start; enjoy the process.
Good morning all,

28 and the white stuff is coming down; typical New York.
Worked at the bench already for a bit and Ellie has a Chiropractor's apt. laters today.

Have a good one.
Good Morning,

Curt thanks for the coffee and breakfast this am. Really hope you're enjoying your Kit build.

Greg nice to see you stopping by Geezers.

Tom hope you bowl well but be careful throwing the ball.

What are your plans for the day?

It's 30 with a high of the same in New York. Hit 43 yesterday for a welcome
relief from the cold weather even if it was fleeting; of course they hit us with
a couple more inches of white crap.
Have to take Ellie to the Chiropractor's later but hope to make it to the bench for a bit
this morning.

Have a great Day everyone!! Be well and stay safe.
Kit Building / Re: Sierra West Deer Creek Mine
February 03, 2025, 06:04:35 PM
Nice looking wood!!
Mike you certainly did a fantastic job on this build! The lighting
really make it POP.
The O-Narrow Line / Re: Critter (Bash)
February 03, 2025, 07:23:47 AM
Kit Building / Re: Sierra West Deer Creek Mine
February 03, 2025, 07:21:10 AM
Curt great job on the stairs. What I do, be it scratch or kit building, is color
some of the wood at a time. This accomplishes two things; first cuts down being so tedious and
secondly I found, on the Wood Cutters Shack, Brett sometimes gets a little over zealous on the
amount of material really needed. Just a suggestion.
The O-Narrow Line / Re: The Grizzly & Dilapidated Ry.
February 03, 2025, 07:10:09 AM
Kyle that's quite a change from previously. I guess it all boils down to
rather you want dramatic scenery or more track to run trains. Personally
I would prefer the more dramatic scenery; that's what would get all the
"oohs & ahs" from visitors. Either way enjoy the process.
Morning Gents,

The usual morning beverages are ready and waiting. Breakfast is assorted
pastries and bagels with various cream cheeses; enjoy.

What's going on today?

It's 29 with a high of 43 in New York; break out the lawn chairs and cooler.

Grocery shopping and a couple of errands this am. Beyond that not sure but maybe
some bench time since yesterday I became distracted with other stuff.

Have a great day!!!! Be well and stay safe.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday, 2 February
February 02, 2025, 07:56:18 AM

Jeff thank you and glad you're enjoying the modeling.
The fact that we were welcomed here with "open arms" speaks
volumes about this forum.

Since I'm sitting @ 0 degrees this am in New York, maybe
send some of  that Arizona heat my way.

Curt & Tom good morning again.
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