Joe's Barbershop from KC's Workshop

Started by Dave K., February 02, 2015, 10:20:01 AM

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Dave K.

I like the Liquid Leading because it's so thick and doesn't run like a glue/paint mixture, but whatever works.

Here are the final pix before I take it to the club. The building doesn't look as  "clean" as it seems in the pix.

In all it's been a fun kit to build. I look forward to more releases from Kenny's li'l company and encourage you all to give one a try.


Dave I really like the Gallery Glass Liquid I'll be sure to pick some up ! Thanks again for your support !
Ken Crump
KC's Workshop

Dave K.

Mike Engler

Dave- a great thread. A lot of pointers and tips that can be used on all of our builds.

Early on you mentioned "bleeding through" a problem when spraying the back of walls black. I keep them flat on the surface of my make-shift spray booth out in the garage, with a little masking tape to keep the walls snug. If the walls are well braced, it's almost less hassle to use black craft paint and a ½ inch brush to get the job done neatly with no bleed-through worries.
THE Runner- Mike Engler in Lakeville, MN

Dave K.

Thanks, Mike. Hope winter is treating you kindly "Up Nort'."


Nice build, Dave.  I've not had the bleed thru with the spray paint.  I use light coats and attach the pieces with the blue painters tape after they are braced.


Dave K.

Thanks for chiming-in, Jeff. Perhaps I should call it bleed-under, as the spray paint often creeps under the wall and mists the outer edge of the exterior wall. Perhaps I'm applying the spray too heavily.


Dave, I've seen the same bleeding. It can be useful at times to create shadow lines to add depth. I've sprayed the backs before cutting out opening, but with precut laser openings in  walls that option it tougher.


Dave K.


Nice build Dave, I am really glad I stumbled onto this wonderful site.  I am learning so much from each and every one of you wonderful craftsmen (and craftswomen).  Dave if possible would you share the link where you obtained the graphic for the storefront interior?

Dave K.

If I can track it down I will, Donato. Thar was some time ago, however. If I recall I just did a Google image search of "hobby shop display" or "store shelves" or "store aisles". I belive I had better results with that third option.

UP Fan

Great build, Dave.  Like Donato said, I'm learning a lot from the great builders here on the forum.


Hi Dave K.

Nice job. Like the paint and all the saigns.



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