Saturday, June 15, 2024

Started by ACL1504, June 15, 2024, 08:26:18 AM

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For the second time -

Morning all,

I'm spending the day with Pam so no modeling unless later this afternoon.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Vietnam Seabee

Tom...have a great day with Pam....wife time is as/more important than modeling time...56 years has taught me that


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Up and at 'em early this AM. Won't bore you with the details why I'm checking in so late.
For those still working, enjoy your Saturday. For the rest of us, enjoy whatever day today is on your calendars.
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


It's sunny, much less humid than yesterday and cool in SE NH.  74 going to 75.  I opened the bags with the new photo backdrop panels and coated them with Golden archival matte varnish.  That's what I've been using on all my backdrops, it provides good coverage, the matte coat actually makes the photos pop a little bit, and provides some water resistance for scenery work  I'll let that cure overnight and tomorrow apply at least one to the mat board.  (Idea now is to apply a panel, flip the mat board over, mist that, and put weights on that to get it to stay flat.) 

The local farm stand is advertising fresh peas, my favorite farm stand veggie.  They also have strawberries and rhubarb, in case the wife wants to make something with that.  add:  Bummer, they were out of peas!

My other project, an ADS-B (airplane transponder) receiver project is on hold.  There was a problem with the load and it might be the micro-SD cards.  So I ordered new cards (they're really cheap these days), should be here tomorrow. 

Yesterday morning, the ISP 2nd tier guy called me.  "I think I've found the problem.  Some security feature we don't use on one of our components mysteriously turned itself back on on your subnet.  No log reports, it just decided to do that.  I've disabled that, try the static IP address now."  "Yup, we're back in business.  Thanks!"  Then we complained to each other about software that changes stuff and doesn't tell you what it did.  (I use the static IP address to enable the websites I host, including for John Siekirk's "S&S Gazette" internet magazine back issues.)

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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