Thursday May 16, 2024

Started by Jim Donovan, May 16, 2024, 08:29:07 AM

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Jim Donovan

Good Morning;

I will open the clubhouse today. Yesterday saw another batch of heavy weather come through but we needed the rain so all good. Today bright and sunny. I am a little bored with structure and layout work so am going to switch and see what I can learn about electronic add ons for the layout. Should be an interesting change.  Hope everyone has a great day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Afternoon all,

I started the day by pruning some plants.  I was going to mow the lawn after the pruning but deferred due to the heat, being exhausted and the fact that these particular plants need to be pruned from the base so a lot of up and down was required.  Down is easy.  Up, not so much.  :o  I'll mow later once I get hydrated and rested up a bit.

I'm back to painting the details for Gorman sign company.  I had them 70% complete and now that the structure work is pretty much done, I'll need them to put together a diorama.  With all the signs, fences, racks, etc. this one pretty much requires it be built as a diorama.  I'm having fun with it.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Back from taking the dogs to the vet for their annual check-ups.  I got an anti-inflammatory for the older one who's moving a bit more slowly.  The younger one had 2 samples sent to the pathologist for check-out.  Probably nothing, but want to be sure.  

So they're now back on their couch, after getting "consolation treats."  Titus is mansprawling across both pillows, Livia is hanging out as she usually does.  I'll sit with them for a while and catch up on the intertubes.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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