Sunday - May 26, 2024

Started by ReadingBob, May 26, 2024, 09:26:47 AM

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Morning all,

It's going to be a scorcher here in sunny Central Florida today.  Expect a high of 97!  :o Think I'll stay inside and get some workbench time.

I hope you're all prepared for Memorial Day!  Three-day weekends don't mean as much to me anymore.  ;)

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


It was a perfect day yesterday.  After early morning rain, looks like today will be almost as nice.  Tomorrow not so nice, cloudy and chance of late showers.  All that makes the grass grow, of course,  We'll start mowing next week...

Today I continue the usual post-project pick-up/put-away while I ponder what to do next.  I might take the leftover parts from the row houses and make more row houses.  Or I'll work on other structures along that part.  Mebbe I'll take a crack at the scenery in that neighborhood.   Decisions! Decisions!

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Rain all day is the base of a flagpole in Osceola, Wisconsin...near the candy store...have a safe weekend if you are traveling.
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Yes, it's afternoon; I'm kinda slow today. The garden needed attention before we go on vacation.

Jim Donovan

I've no excuse for late check in except not moving very fast today. I started work on the Jordan delivery trucks and found I was missing the wheels for one. I took the measurements of the four each I have and had the 3D printer make up some that came out very very close in looks to the original. It is a modern world for sure.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Quote from: Jim Donovan on May 26, 2024, 04:10:19 PMI've no excuse for late check in except not moving very fast today. I started work on the Jordan delivery trucks and found I was missing the wheels for one. I took the measurements of the four each I have and had the 3D printer make up some that came out very very close in looks to the original. It is a modern world for sure.

Jim, whooo to have a 3D printer and know how to use it. Jealousy is at my peak right now.

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