Build Challenge 2016 - ITLA Scale Models DV Ross & Co

Started by Bobby, September 25, 2016, 10:46:09 PM

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Quote from: SteveCuster on October 13, 2016, 03:51:18 PM
The brick color looks great. Interested to see how this turns out.

Agree , the orangy brick is great.
I love photo's, don't we all.


John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


The brick color turned out great, looks very good.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


I agree with what everyone else has said - the brick tuned out great!  Interesting technique.  I'll have to give it a try someday.  If I can remember it.   :D
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Quote from: Candy on October 24, 2016, 09:43:20 PM
updates ?

Hi Candy,

Not yet! I've been spending the last few days working on my FSM Hazen Boyd build.

I plan to start messing with this soon, I glanced at the instructions earlier today.

You are doing a nice job on your burlesque build by the way. 😀😀
Bobby - THE Goat!


I have made some more progress on the build. I painted the windows and doors with an olive green craft paint, then added tan with a sponge to give it a chipped paint effect. I added a little bit of powders to the window fan/vents. The window sills were painted with a concrete colored craft paint and then added an A&I wash to them before installing.

I am debating on adding a poster to the right of the door.

Thanks for following along!
Bobby - THE Goat!


Bobby, following along. I love the look of and the design principles of the ITLA kits.



Hi bobby:

Walls look great so far. I'll be following along.



Karl & Marty,

Thanks for chiming in.  I hope to get back at this in the next few days.
Bobby - THE Goat!


A shout out to my forum friends that love clamps!  ;D

Bobby - THE Goat!


Your build is coming along nicely Bobby.  Keep those progress photos coming!  (never saw a clamp that I didn't like!!!).


Thanks for chiming in Mark!

I have been slacking on my forum updates due to that chaotic thing known as "work".

Anyhow, I have a few updates on the project.....

I learned how to google for "pilaster" and "cornice" since the vague instructions assumes one has a degree in architecture.  ;D ;D ;D

The following pics show the installation of the pilasters and cornices. Or, what I would call parts 1, 2, 3 per photo X,Y,Z.  :o ::) :(

I decided to create my own sign and just wing it in a word program on my computer. I came across the business name "M. Furuya Co. Importers & Exporters" from a 1930's photo of downtown Seattle and thought that was a cool name.

On a side note, there was a commercial on tv that indicated I should contact my doctor if I have symptoms similar to Pilasters and Cornices.... Should I be concerned? ::) 

Carry on mates....
Bobby - THE Goat!



Agree with Vilius, that sign is just enough "grungy". Don't listen to the doctors, they'll only sell you snake oil.

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