Mail Collection Box Colors

Started by Dave K., April 21, 2018, 06:15:33 AM

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Hi Dave:

The 2 large green boxes are relay boxes as I described above. I never saw A red and blue one when I worked. They were solid blue. Also never saw any of those type vehicles. I never saw a mailbox like the second one in top photo. Must be really old.


Dave K.

Very cool info in the bulletin, Karl. I guess I'll need a Standard Form 33 before I start painting!


Hi Dave:

Yeah I started in 1974 so all the collection boxes were blue when I worked. As I said relay boxes were still olive green.



Thank you for all the pictures and information. My mailboxes will be army green on the S&S RR.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dave K.

The four metal ones at the top are from Jill and Brian at BEST. No idea where the others came from.


Hey Dave:

Nice mail boxes. I'll have to see what I have around.



Good Morning  Karl,

I guess some of us are old enough and our memory is still functioning properly to remember the olive drab mailboxes. since i model the 1940's, all my mailboxes are olive drab, or as close as I can get it. Mail boxes on many street corners were a fixture back East. I have several old metal boxes around the layout. I do not remember the manufacturer. I modified some of them to show the legs. Here are two pics: Chester Station with all four legs and Bikini Car Wash with the box having slab sides. Now that I see this, the box will be corrected and repainted. The bikini box is right up front of the layout. The devil is in the details.

Frank / Erieman

Dave K.

Great scenes, Frank...thanks so much!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Hey Frank:

The mailboxes look just great.




Great looking scenes and the right color mailboxes. I will never be able to look at another layout without seeing if the mail boxes are the right color for the time frame. Looking at some of the black and white pictures and a couple color earlier in this thread it looks like the old mail boxes were castings. Maybe even brass or bronze - is this true?
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dave K.



Very interesting. That mailbox has A padlock on it. Our had key slot for a collection key.


Dave K. of the detail parts pictured earlier has a padlock. Don't know whose that is.


These boxes were all over the west side of Chicago when I grew up.  I have no idea if the regular carrier emptied them or if there was a route driver.

They had a paper on the front that listed pick up times.

see ya
Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?

Dave K.

I really like the red/blue color scheme, whether it's prototypical or not. It's quickly recognizable to visitors that it's a US Mail box, and adds a splash of color. Of course, rivet-counters would drag me over the coals, and I suppose it would be a detriment if ever entered a contest. Then again, I'm not modeling a specific era ... even use advertising signs that, while not obscenely far apart on the timeline, would still be frowned upon by some.  I guess the adage, "It's my railroad" would apply here.

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