Jock Oliphant - Flotation mine

Started by Mark Dalrymple, December 19, 2021, 08:03:18 PM

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Mark Dalrymple

Thanks so much, Dave.

I was pretty close with my dimensions worked out from the hopper in photos.  Its a little longer and a little narrower than I thought.  With the headframe as in Jock's scratchbuild its about 817mm (32") long and about 214mm (8 1/2") wide - including room for a track in front.

Cheers, Mark.


Speaking of model railroad magazine searches, there's this: (There is a very similarly named site.  I don't know where they got their data.  This has been in operation for more than 10 years.)  The data here is all crowd-sourced, so no one can claim copyright ownership and shut it down in the future.  It has not been kept up-to-date, but it's still a good place to check. 

The original plan was to move this to NMRA as an official activity, including some sort of Achievement Program credit for contributing to the data.  Unfortunately, NMRA never took us up on the offer.  So this is still running on a machine in my basement. 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on December 20, 2021, 02:44:50 PM
QuoteI've ordered both from E-bay. He may not have any of that date anymore.

Thanks for all that information, Bernd!

I knew others would be interested.  The flotation mine Jock built is a sensational build - one of the very best I have ever seen.  Do you intent to build it?

Buying from the USA is tricky at the moment for me, as USPS has frozen shipping to 21 countries, including New Zealand.

Please let me (us) know what you find when your two copies arrive, as it sounded like it might have been a two part plan.

Cheers, Mark.


When I get the magazines, there are two, January 1964 and February 1964. So yes there are two articles, I'll see if I want to build it or whether I use parts. I'll see when the issues arrive.

BTW, I sent you a PM.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteBTW, I sent you a PM.

Hi Bernd.  I've looked everywhere I can think of for that PM and can't find it.  Just in case it's a double up, Dave has kindly put both articles up to download.  I have printed off the eight pages and put them in a clear file along with my other two photos of Jock's build.

Cheers, Mark.



Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on December 21, 2021, 02:35:23 PM
QuoteBTW, I sent you a PM.

Hi Bernd.  I've looked everywhere I can think of for that PM and can't find it.  Just in case it's a double up, Dave has kindly put both articles up to download.  I have printed off the eight pages and put them in a clear file along with my other two photos of Jock's build.

Cheers, Mark.

The PM should have shown up at the top of the forum. It says "My Messages". It should have shown you have a PM. I'm sure I got the the right person when I sent it.

I was going to copy the articles for you when I got the magazines. I know you guys are having a tough time down there and just trying make life a little easier for you by helping out.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds

Mark Dalrymple

Thanks, Bernd.

No - I've checked there.  And again.  Thanks anyway - I appreciate it.  As I said, I have already got a copy now.  Enjoy the plans.  Its certainly a cool structure.

We haven't got it too bad in New Zealand re COVID19 (touch wood).  13,500 total cases, 49 total deaths, so far.  Australia isn't doing too well.  We still haven't got Omicron in the community here in NZ.  I'm waiting though...Its at the boarders...

Cheers, Mark.



Any progress to report.  2 1/2 years now.

My much more manageable model.
Darryl Huffman

You can follow my blog here:

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Mark Dalrymple

Hi Darryl.

The modelers forum went down right when I was about to embark on this build.  Its still not finished - as I started work on the extension of my empire.  I'm attempting to fill a room some 33'x 19.5'with mountains and one large city.  The building of benchwork and the laying of track has moved my structure building priorities to bridge construction at the moment, as I am keen to get a good chunk of the main line running.  The flotation mill is one of the projects I am most keen to get back too.  I made some pretty decent progress before the new benchwork began.  Below is a link to my other layout thread on  This is a more comprehensive thread.  You might like to try going back 10 or so pages (page 38) and check out my cannery scratchbuild - another huge project.  I also post here on my layout thread - Shadowlands and Tellynott.

Cheers, Mark.

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