What would you like to see?

Started by Keep It Rusty, January 05, 2025, 01:59:12 AM

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Quote from: deemery on January 07, 2025, 02:37:48 PMSo I think we have requests for at least 3 new forums:

* Early Rail
* O Scale Narrow Gauge
* Tools and Techniques

And I'd add
* HO Scale Narrow Gauge

and maybe suggest
* Locomotives
separate from Rolling Stock.  (Should there be 2, one for Steam and the other for Stinky Diesels?  :P)

And one more thought:
• Questions and Requests


Hey, I resemble that remark. :(  :)

Another, perhaps a place for electrics such as:

Kit bashed from an Alco PAB unit.

How about some smaller ones?

Or a set of scratch built box cabs on HOn30 power chassis?

Just asking.  ;D

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Well if you are going to do H0, Narrow Gauge and all kinds of other scales don't forget an N-scale section.
I love photo's, don't we all.

Jim Donovan

Wow, a lot of great suggestions, thanks everyone. I am sure our master programmer Craig can come up with something for most ideas. I will get with him and see what can be done.

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Mr. Critter

Quote from: deemery on January 07, 2025, 02:37:48 PMSo I think we have requests for at least 3 new forums:

* Early Rail
* O Scale Narrow Gauge
* Tools and Techniques

And I'd add
* HO Scale Narrow Gauge

and maybe suggest
* Locomotives
separate from Rolling Stock.  (Should there be 2, one for Steam and the other for Stinky Diesels?  :P)

And one more thought:
• Questions and Requests


I know I've just crawled under the door, but...

Locomotives:  seconded.  Just one subforum dedicated to whatever pulls, pushes, or derails and delays the train would be fine by me.  (I have more small locomotives than I have soup spoons, and they're a wild and implausible mix of steam, diesel, and electric.)  I'm happy to look at anyone's motive power project, regardless of scale, gauge, or prototype origins, because I might be (a) inspired and (ii) learn something.  It ain't really a train until it's coupled to something that can move it.

HO Narrow Gauge certainly gets my vote.  No need to specify the space between the rails beyond the fact that it's narrower than Standard.

Tools & Techniques:  Perhaps include "where do I find/where can I buy" somehow?  I see parts and supplies described (often vaguely) that I had no idea existed.  Sometimes, in threads that are years old, and the original posters have moved on.  And-- the Walthers catalogue doesn't have everything.


Interesting.  I tryed RR line years ago and found it was not for me.

I "only" do structures (when I find time and motivation to do some bench time.) I missed this forum when it was gone and I hope this forum continues to be scale agonist and does not grow into a model railway generic forum.


Keep It Rusty

Thank you to all for the comments and suggestions.

In the coming days, I will look to open a new board that will house some specific railroad gauges for folks to convene in. This seems to be the most requested addition and doesn't distract from what the forum already is - a welcome home to all modelers!


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