Wednesday January 29

Started by TomO/Tloc, January 29, 2025, 07:45:18 AM

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Good morning Baggage Car viewers. It's 34f degrees in So. Central Wisconsin. Feels like 24 and the high for the day will be in the 40's.

The coffee is the Trainmaster's blend, the red dot means it's ready. Sodas are almost frozen (especially the Diet Dr Peppers) and are in the cooler along with the water, juices and cold teas! Hot tea and hot chocolate are in their own silver urns!

Breakfast is high end today with eggs in my part of Wisconsin dropping from $6.99 per dozen on Sunday to a great $6.49 per dozen we are serving up 3 egg omelets. Let "cookie" know how you want them and that is the way they will served! Breads today are a still warm at 6:30am CST dark rye, pumpernickel and a crusty sourdough. Jams, preserves and jellies are also in their own silver cooler. Do not toss the silverware please, it's not plastic today.

At 9:30 this morning I will be at a local build session. Today we are only 4 but will be adding scenic forms using resin paper and plaster cloth. Some fascia painting and a few manual blue point switch controls going in. Also the steps to the upper decks platform will be lengthened. All wiring is in place for the mainline including the switch machines on switches. The manual blue points are for industry spurs. Except for the central penisula which will be a twisted nolix between levels the mainline is in. 9:30 to 2:30, chili is being served for lunch. I think building that central penisula will be discussed today.  At 4 miles this is the second closest layout from my own. There are 4 layouts being built within a 10 mile radius of the house. There are 2 layouts within 15 miles of me I have operated on that were in the Magazines, both RMC and MRR in the last 2 years. There is one more that should be! I am very fortunate that just in the local area there are 7 operating layouts I have been invited to and are on the calendar before Summer. There are a few more in the area where trains are just run but on very nice layouts.

I also belong to a regional operating layouts group called RiverRail. That basically is within a 2.5 hour drive from home with a couple longer ones over in Minnesota. If you like operations Wisconsin is a great place for a model railroader. Saturday I will be operating 90 minutes away in Reedsburg and Monday 2.25 hours away in Waupaca. I love it...

Enjoy the day


Good morning,

34 here currently. Forecast high of 60 today.

Real work has been very busy this week.

Haven't done much work on the new layout this week. I am waiting for some 2"x2"x6ft steel angle iron to fabricate into middle level benchwork support brackets.

Yesterday I did install a basic NCE DASR decoder in an Atlas Classic Alco RSD-4/5 (Utah Railway).  I now have 2 (301, 302) of the Atlas Classic RSD-4/5 Utah Railway locomotives and I am looking for 1 or 2 more (300, unnumbered).

Hope you guys have a great day!


Good kitty, keeping my jackets warm.


PRR Modeler

Good Morning,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Tom. Enjoy working with the guys today. It does indeed sound like a great MRR'ing location.

Started out with a walk at 49F and fog trying to develop, but that was a no-go once the sun came up.

This afternoon/evening the city inspector will be here to do his things so we can finally repair/patch the holes. We are on day 55 of this plumbing project. :'(

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


320-400 wind 20 gusts to near 40. Overcast. 

KSinMI :o

Jim Donovan

Good Morning Everyone;

Thanks for the coffee Tom, can't live without it. Another Chamber of Commerce day in Central Florida, expected high 75. 

I finished the testing of the resin printed corrugated roof for warehouse project yesterday and the finished print is waiting for me to take check and clean up. Machine took 13 hours printing this one, it fit the machine volume abilities by 1 cm so it is biggest object it can print. We will see how it came out in a few but first that coffee.

Enjoy the day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Tom. I'll try a Diet Dr. Pepper.

I have a Dr. appointment at 11:30 this morning. I'm sure he'll find a few spots to freeze off. Oh the joy!

Not sure what else I'll get into but it will be train related.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


We got 2" of snow last night.  Not enough to worry about the driveway, but I had to clear the plow push-up in front of the mailbox.  

More work on Lamson, probably the roof experiment starting today.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Morning all.

It's Hump day for me.  Work is tiring as we continue to have a great deal of influenza in the area.   

Supposed to get to 50 today.  Will probably take the dog out for a walk later. 

I haven't had much enthusiasm for restarting the FSM kit, but have worked a little on the roofs.  Maybe some work later today. 



Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

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