Questions about Grandt Line freight car door hardware

Started by friscomike, February 10, 2025, 11:59:47 AM

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Howdy folks,

I am building an early 1900s wooden box car and want to use the Grandt Line door hardware set.  Sadly, I do not know what the parts are or where they go.

Can anyone help me identify the parts?  I've numbered them to make it easier to reply.

Here is Grandt Line's photo:

Have fun,

robert goslin

Hi Mike.  Here is a couple of pictures of a GL freight doors with many of the features already molded in.
So you can match most to your individual castings

3 & 11 are on top.  5 & 6 are on the bottom.    4 is on top
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

robert goslin

I would guess, 8 & 10, and 7, & 9 go on the side of the door, similar to above picture.
Others may also be for the rooftop hatch, not shown in the above pics
And I would think Dave(Deemery)  or Mike Hohn would know, as they model early era trains.
Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back

Mr. Critter

I presume you're modelling in On30, based on your profile.  Are you wanting to model a specific prototype boxcar?  And what's the Grandt Line set's part number?  Because I love detective work.  No sarcasm.


Howdy folks,

The parts came in an On30IMA kit and don't have the parts numbers identified.  Rob, those photos are helpful.  Thank you.

Mr. Critter, I am modeling in On30 and the model is a freelance design.  The details are from the old Grandt Line series, acquired by San Juan Models.  San Juan does not list them on their website (that I can find) and the old Grandt Line web pages don't list a part number either. Thank you for responding.

Have fun,

robert goslin

Regards  Rob
Melbourne,  Australia
Borrow money from pessimists – they don't expect it back



Looks like #8 and *10 are door stops or guides? The rest ur on ur own!  :)

Might be football bats?

Michael Hohn


I agree with what's been written.  I've not used this particular set of parts, but I have used a similar set from Tichy.  I've used 5 and 6 look alikes as door guides and 8 and 11 as door stops. 7 and 9 could be guides or stops.


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