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Messages - robert goslin

Thanks Mike, Rick & Philip.
I think the woodgrain will be OK.  We'll see how much shows up once I start the heavy weathering.

Anyhow, for now I've added the gunwale to the top edge.  Used picture mounting board for this.
And have also added the ribbing inside the hull using basswood strips.

I think I'll paint the hull next to see how it looks.
I decided for this one to use a sort of barrel style tile, terracotta roof.
This was castings I got from the estate of one of our recently deceased NMRA members.
It was originally just white, so I did a mix or different colours, so when the final colour went on there'd be some colour variation showing through.
I also covered some tiles with cut down straws, to give them a loose look.

Final colouring

Then glued it onto the structure.  I'm quite happy with the effect

Thanks Philip, Rick & Mike

So I firstly clad the sides with thin stiff card like on my other Mexican boats.

But this time I wanted the look of overlapping boards.
So I then cut the individual  planks from manilla folder, and laminated them over the other card, and then roughed them up a bit with a blade.

Thanks Tom.
The second story is now painted and attached.  I used a very pale mint green for this.
Many colours I mix myself.

Nice conversion Matt.  Nice weathering too.

Here's what the prototype looks like.  Certainly something different
   For the little diorama / layout extension I need a 2nd boat for the harbour.
So again I'm using foam for the hull, balsa for the deck, and a variety of balsa, styrene, card and scrap box bits for the rest of it.

I really want to go heavy with the weathering on this one, so it will be rough & rusty, and will look like it's been cobbled together from scrounged parts the the captain found "lying" around.  Bits of old wood, tin sheets etc for repairs, what ever he could get his hands on.... cheap.

So first off I again cut the deck out first, and used this as a template to cut the foam hull to shape.  Then glued them together.

Lines for the decking boards done with the back of Exacto blade.
So next I decided to add a 2nd story.  Thought it would be OK to use clapboard siding.
This is how it turned out.  Whilst it looks good, upon some further research I couldn't find any Mexican buildings that were like this.  Just wasn't screaming Mexico to me.
So I will keep this upper story for another one of my Maine USA structures, so not a complete waste of time.

So ended up instead building the 2nd story out of foam again, to continue the rendered / adobe type look.

Thanks Greg.

Thanks Tom.  I follow a lot of military modellers online, mostly YouTube.
Most of them these days, if not using a building kit, will use foam to construct their buildings, walls etc.

My favourite is an armour modeller call Nightshift.  Brilliant if you want to learn all about weathering etc.  Whilst Martin mostly works in 1/35,  it can be used for most scales.

This is a wall he did in foam.

Next up I made the window frames & doors from stir sticks and balsa
The window headers are also balsa

Thanks Rick.  Nothing you haven't seen, but still appreciate you following along.

Thanks Philip & Jerry.
Scratchbuilding / Re: Improvised military bunk beds
January 31, 2025, 09:36:37 PM
If you want military bunks, they are most times metal.
I would use styrene strips to make these.  A much neater finish for metal.
Good Morning men.  Saturday morning here down in Oz.
Good to see many familiar faces, and the continuation of this group.  I hope others will come along for the ride.
Glad they set up the specific O narrow Gauge thread.  I'll  certainly be contributing here as they don't have a mini / micro layouts thread.

Although RRL is gone, I still have all my photos from the last few years and most of my other photos, both O scale & N scale, plus convention and other folks layouts, from many years ago.  So it's only the text that I've lost, so no big deal.

But I'm treating this as a fresh start.  I don't think I'll re-post too much of my old stuff here, unless folks are interested.
Well that's it.  8:50 pm Friday 31st In Melbourne Australia.
RRL is no longer visible.

Anyhow, over here now and I'm posting plenty of my builds here already, and getting good replies & interest.
Good to have a home to post stuff too, as I still have a lot of layout and diorama builds to show off.
I wish posting photo's was a bit easier, but it is, what it is.

Retirement may be coming soon too, so even more time to do modelling....(I hope).
Thanks Critter.  Unlike sandpaper, the paver is great for doing larger, whole surface areas at once.

So I gave it all a coat of paint.  Originally the walls were all the darker green, but it just wasn't looking right, so decided to give it the split colour treatment.  All the paints are just craft paints
And also did some drybrushing of a lighter tan colour on the exposed stonework.

Thanks Mark.
The sheets I have are 1200mm x 600mm  and are 50mm thick.
I cut out a piece to the size I need for the largest wall, then slice this into 10mm - 12mm thick pieces just using a razor saw, so get 4 walls from one original piece.
I then smooth the rough cuts by rubbing each piece over a smooth garden paver, usually in a circular motion.
I try to get it fairly smooth, but any small imperfection are OK, as that just some added character.
The rounded corners on the structure and openings are done with sandpaper.

Yes a bandsaw could be used, if you have one.  I'm also thinking down the track, of getting a Proxon foam cutter.
Currently just have a hand held foam cutter for carving foam rockwork on the layouts.
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