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Messages - Mr. Critter

Kit Building / Re: FOS Scale Quinn Elbow
February 11, 2025, 07:41:52 PM
Oh, my. The decrepitude.

And look at that lovely light-gauged rail. Like spaghettini.
That one's probably the only specimen I'll ever see.  Been meaning to go back to it for decades.  This time, though, with GPS.  And a survival kit.  It was a bit of a hike.

This Wikipedia entry drawing eerily, closely depicts what I found myself atop of.  It was surrounded by an alarming number of pines, which are thin on the ground in my part of the Canadian Shield.  But pines like to grow in sand, in deep, well-drained ground.
Quote from: Dave Buchholz on February 08, 2025, 10:55:21 AMI was driving in the Farmington and Palmyra area the other day in the Northern end of the Finger Lakes Region It's geologically a weird place. During the ice ages, the earth was chewed up and gouged, then spit back out into drumlins and eskers as the glaciers receded towards Canada.

Eskers are geologically weird. And weird-looking. I first read about them in a Farley Mowat novel, set in the sub-arctic, as a grade school kid.  Never thought I'd see one.  And then, a decade later, teenaged, I was walking in the deep forest in Québec's Mauricie region, headed to a lake beyond another lake that I'd spotted on the map and that looked like it might be a decent trout-fishing hole.  I wasn't following a trail- there wasn't one- navigating by map, compass, and dead reckoning, and I suddenly found myself on what looked for all the world like a snakey elevated hiking path, several feet above grade. Its narrow top was beaten hard as if animals had been using it as a trail for millennia.  No trace of a human footprint.  I loped along for a few hundred feet and then decided to dig a bit to see if it was rock, because it was just too surreal.

It wasn't rock. 

It was a mixture of smooth river-bottom pebbles and bright yellow sand.  An upside-down glacial riverbed, just as Mowat had described it.

I realized what I was standing on, and my jaw hit the tops of my sneakers.
"Then I decided it still wasn't decrepit enough."

Nothing beats a model with a contrived whimsical back-story.  But then executing it...

Mister Goslin?  Wow.

I would like to swim to Australia to shake your hand and operate your railroad.  I shall bring decent cask-aged tequila.

Not settin' foot on that boat's deck, though, nor going near its cabin.  Kind of afraid of hepatitis.
I presume you're modelling in On30, based on your profile.  Are you wanting to model a specific prototype boxcar?  And what's the Grandt Line set's part number?  Because I love detective work.  No sarcasm.
I'd add some rust drip stains from the nails or whatever fasteners in the framing around that massive NEPTUNO sign, to match the aged and decrepit state of the building. But that's the only hair out of place.

Masterful modelling.
Quote from: friscomike on February 04, 2025, 04:46:16 PM

That's a wonderful-looking caboose.  You weathering's dead-nuts on.
The HO / HOn3 / HOn30 Line / Re: HOn30 Tribute Diesels
February 07, 2025, 05:24:24 PM
Having an old brass Jonan Climax kit that's begging to be assembled, and having a resistance-soldering machine I've still yet to use, I'll be brazed to this thread.
Rolling Stock / Re: Old Ambroid/NESL coach kit
February 06, 2025, 06:37:17 PM
Perhaps use thick ACC as a sealant?  I seem to recall that it did a fair job of filling grain on a plank I inadvertently got some on, back when I still had hair.
I see it now.  Benchwork and a clamp lamp.

Stand down the pixel-fire department.
Photo's not showing-up, sir, at least not for me. Just a little blue question-mark icon.
New Details, Tools & Accessories / Re: Corrugator
February 02, 2025, 05:40:57 PM
Self-imposed quality control. As a modeller and former QC inspector both, I love this.
The HO / HOn3 / HOn30 Line / Re: North Coast Railroad
February 01, 2025, 11:49:31 PM
Oh, this is bloody marvellous.
The O-Narrow Line / Re: Buffalo Canyon Mining Company
January 31, 2025, 11:13:03 PM
I just love that warm, unpainted board interior, especially the underside of the roof.  Looks just like the oil-finished interior woodwork that I've favored for years.  I'd be happy to wait for a train in that gorgeous little pile of sticks.

The outdoor benches, finished bright, echoing what's inside, are a fine touch.
This threatens to be a wonderful thread to behold, construction techniques and final result, both.  I mean, using a paving stone as a Blanchard grinder. 

I'll be ACC-ed to my screen.
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