I need serious help!!!!!! Finally my turn here.

Started by Dennis Bourey, August 30, 2020, 07:57:31 PM

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Dennis Bourey

Thank you Bob, The room was only storage until this year when I did a massive cleaning. My wife is still looking for stuff. ;)  Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


Trust me...those red boxes take time to complete...but you will be rewarded by your efforts !
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota

Dennis Bourey

Thanks Bob Dye, I cant even imagine 300 kits!!! Wow!! yes. It's 13' Long with a 5, turn around and straight run is average 30" deep with 3-4' end for my city. there's two legs that are the same and the middle one is 8'x3'. I wanted to knock a wall down, But wife said no way lol. Not lucky like John. Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

Dennis Bourey

Tommy, Those are some nice looking building's. Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

Dennis Bourey

Tom, I'm glad I'm not alone. This is tougher then I thought. I never planned one before. I just winged it with back then. over 300+ kits you have? How? that's a lot of kit's. Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

Dennis Bourey

Hi Curt, I wished I built immediately. But I was saving till kid's left the home. Now's there's tote's everywhere I look. Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

Dennis Bourey

Dave, I will try that instead of cutting all these base's.
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

Dennis Bourey

Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


So I was reading through these posts and said to myself - I can't possible be as out of control as my buddy Tom. So I started counting kits this evening.  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[  Okay so I got it bad and I need to sell some kits.  I will be offering them to the forum first. I sure wish I wouldn't have started down this road.  Number of kits x $300 per kit = OMG  And Dennis thinks he needs help!
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dennis Bourey

John, LOL See what I started? You got that many kit's too?.....Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


Quote from: Dennis Bourey on August 31, 2020, 08:43:33 PM
John, LOL See what I started? You got that many kit's too?.....Dennis


To be honest - I quit counting when I got over 100 and there were a lot more to go. Way more than I will ever fit on the layout. I do see a number of them that I can say for sure will not find a place on the layout - I will be posting a list when I get ready to sell some.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dennis Bourey

John, I thought I was bad? Not anymore ;0)  Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


 ;D  I don't have 300+ of them but I have enough kits that I had to create a spreadsheet listing everything I had stashed away so I could print out a listing and take it with me to the EXPO so I wouldn't accidentally buy something I already had stashed away.  It wasn't really a problem with the bigger kits, like the FSM kits, but with the smaller kits I'd often confuse "I'd really like to have that one" with "I already own that one".  ;D  ;D  ;D
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

Jim Donovan

Being fairly new to the hobby I have not collected more than I can build yet, but I am working on it! I have had the privilege of visiting some amazing layouts from long time modelers. Each and everyone had stacks and stacks of kits waiting to be built, even when their layouts were nearly complete (one is never done). So not to throw kerosene on this fire  ::) ;D I noticed even more smaller boxes stacked at least equally high. I think they are called 'kit built rolling stock' and 'Brass Locomotives'. I wonder how many heart attacks would occur if these were counted up, priced out and added to the total. Sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself  ;D

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Dennis Bourey

Bob and Jim, Thanks. This hobby is crazy lol. I already move some framing to try to get a large area for a city scene. I really like George's city scene's but not no way near as much detail. He's a amazing modeler, As the guy's here. I can't believe it's that complicated and yet rewarding to us.Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)

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