Card-stock Scratch-build

Started by rpdylan, May 01, 2017, 06:25:06 PM

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Nice Looking ! Keep it up ... I just scratched the same thing a few weeks back mine ain't perfect but works
Ken Crump
KC's Workshop


Thanks Ken!
    putting some shingles on the areas of the roof that will be exposed by missing metal panels... test fitting the card....

Bob C.


In my opinion, the best way to weather metal roofing is with the use of etchant. Yeah,the stuff is nasty- wear gloves and do outside- but the stuff really thins out and blackens the metal.,  I dip the edges and corners of some pieces for rotting panels...  at the end of everything, I will use powders ect for rust.....

Bob C.


Hi Bob:

Looks very cool so far.



Hi Bob,

Nice looking project.  thanks for the tip on the shingle starter strip.
Steve Drees


Thanks for the feedback guys,,,,, this thing is taking longer than it should because of house projects!  Steve, Try the starter strip trick and you will see an improvement in the way that the first course of shingles sits on the roof edge.  This is even more noticeable on thicker shingles like the ones from BEST or Bar Mills. 
Bob C.


I'm sure that everybody recognizes this structure as Bailey's Produce from FSM..... I only went by photos online so I didn't have any exact measurements- the project started out as an experiment with using cheap cardstock but turned into a serious project. I'm putting the dormer on the opposite side- and its so true that the smallest pieces are the hardest to do. When corner posts require 2 angles like in the dormer (top angle for the gable and bottom angle for the roof) it is much better to put them on after the walls are glued together and then cut the angles with a blade. 
Bob C.

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