Build Challenge 2016 - ITLA Scale Models DV Ross & Co

Started by Bobby, September 25, 2016, 10:46:09 PM

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Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 11, 2016, 03:59:28 PM
Your model came out beautifully, Bobby!

The brick work looks great!

I'm looking at possibly getting the Southside Hotel kit.  How were the windows to put into your kit?  Were there recesses in the back side of the walls to place them in - thus gauging both the window depth and vertical and horizontal alignment, or does each window need to be fitted and glued in place?  How about those nasty diseases - pilasters and cornices?  Any problems?

Cheers, Mark.

Thanks Mark!

The windows were really easy to install. The walls are a little thicker than what I normally see in kits that I have made. I'd have to measure when I get home but it is maybe 1/8" thick. Basically the window pane/frame sits flush with the inside of the wall and is glued from behind. I used Aileen's Tacky Glue since it sets pretty quick and allows time to get the window flush with the "inside" part of the structure. Then the window sill is installed in front of the window. I knew I should have taken a photo of it but... I just looked thru my pics and didn't have any. Hopefully my description makes sense!

The pilasters & cornices were the most cumbersome part of the structure. They needed to be cut to size and then layered on top of each other. The kit leaves the modeler flexibility on how much layering to use though.  Other than that it was really simple. The kits are easy to put together and they look great in the end.
Bobby - THE Goat!


Bobby - THE Goat!


Bobby - THE Goat!


Quote from: rpdylan on December 22, 2016, 04:26:24 PM
Great work Bobby!
    To Mark, re. your questions on how the kits go together: The kits are nicely engineered and the corners/ pilasters are made up in layers (quite easy). The windows fit in nicely and look great. You could pick up this little kit for "practice" on how these kits go together and then dive into the larger kit.

Thanks Bob! Did'nt you build this kit a while ago? I thought I saw you post pics of it on the daily thread.

I agree, the kits are easy to nicely designed and easy to put together.
Bobby - THE Goat!


Yes I did, and I really thought that the engineering of the kit was great. I like the seperate window sill design, they really come out nice. I want to get one of the bigger kits.
Bob C.


Terrific looking structure Bobby!   :D  It really came out well.  Kudos to you on a job very well done.  With all these great build threads going on this one slipped by me.  Until now.

These kits were on my radar at the EXPO but I ended up buying too many other goodies and had to pass on them in the end.  Now I wish I hadn't.  Well, even then I wished I hadn't.  Maybe next time.   ::) 
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


I did get two of these at last years Expo. Reading Bob and I read the instruction book on the return flight to Orlando.

I still have my sights on the large Hotel flat. That will be a great kit and I have a location for it also.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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