Sunday January 30 of 2022 - Springfield day 2

Started by NEMMRRC, January 30, 2022, 06:01:13 AM

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Some say the Big E blizzard was a bust. Others were glad it was easier to find bargains not having to fight as many of the "unwashed". Me, I'm happy Raymond scoped the Jordan bargains. So far it's been a good show. It hasn't been the best show but hey, the world is falling apart so there's that to keep in mind.

See you there.


Jim Donovan

Good Morning Jamie and all who follow. MRH has a blog going showing vendors and products, looks like a very light crowd. I know the group I was going with canceled due to 1- air travel disruptions and 2 Covid. The fact  the weather tends to be lousy was a third factor but one we knew was there no matter what.

Well, coffee calls, then off to the workbench until football starts. Hope everyone has a great day.

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Opa George

Good morning all,

Some quiet time with coffee before the family comes over for breakfast. Blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs and friend potatoes in abundance (muffins are baked, potatoes are frying in batches now as I type).

No new snow last evening, but still well below freezing here and still windy.  Winter is large and in charge at the moment.

Take care!
--Opa George
George Nagle
Twin Mountain Barge & Navigation Co.
Harrisburg, PA



Today my world is turning into a ball of ice. I watched some of the Big E on youtube and it looked empty.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Currently 34 as I sit here. I have a day of chores and train room. I need to do some measurements in the train room. I think I will need to remove a stub track on the peninsula so I don't shoehorn the REA freight house in its location.

I  hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning.

It is a frosty morning with a below zero start to the day.  Still, it feels warmer than yesterday with its bitter winds.  We were on the very edge of the storm that wreaked havoc along the east coast, getting less than an inch of snow. 

Planning to watch the NFL playoff games this afternoon and evening.  Otherwise, pretty much same old, same old.  I posted this pic yesterday on a Facebook group, thought I might share it here. 

Everyone have a great day!


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good morning. Nice trucks Jerry - vehicles really bring a layout to life.  I have coffee in hand and the thermometer lost the negative sign last night showing 7 right now, we are doing fine. I'm moving my Sayles Mill from the workbench to the layout this morning - progress. I hope everyone has a great day.  From the F&SM:

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


I'm guessing we got 8" of snow, maybe a bit more.  It's nice light powder and the wind blew it around a lot.  +5 this morning when I shoveled a patch for the dogs to do their thing.  Livia let me know she was not happy with her choices of potty places this morning.

More work on the boxcar project today...

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning. Stay safe going home from the big E.
Jim Mueller
Westchester and Boston Railroad


Morning all,

Very cold overnight but it's slowly warming up.  Good thing we got the heat fixed earlier this week.  Not a cheap fix though.  The coil, which was replaced in 2019 was leaking thanks to a line rubbing up against it which wore a hole in it due to vibrations when it was running.  We'll be shopping for a new unit in the coming months.  We're over it with this piece of junk.  >:(

Workbench time today.  Still nipping parts off sprues for the Angebilt Hotel build.  The next major step will be air brushing and I need to wait for better temperatures outside to do that. 

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Afternoon check in today...
Safe travels and keep warm...and don't forget a cool refreshment...
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota

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