Plans for scratch building Feed/Grain Mills

Started by richhard444, January 16, 2019, 04:10:04 PM

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I want to scratch build a small Feed/Grain Mill in HO scale. I have a very limited area for this structure to fit into - 4" to 6" W x
18" L. I want to use PVC for the silos and styrene for the tall main building and head house structure. Does anyone out there have plans that you might be willing to share or know where to get them on the internet or this forum? I have spent WAY to much time looking for what I want to no avail. I have a picture in my head, but need some dimensions to help get started.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Richard H.


Check out the old EL Moore "Bunn's Feed" design.

Maybe 10 years ago, I was involved in producing a kit of this.  They're long sold out.  I don't know if I have the drawings for it.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Not much for mills, but for grain/feed elevator I did locate plans in the June 1957 MR starting on pg 24.
Bob Dye
Livin large on a pond


Moores' "Buns Feed" is in Aug 1973 MRR magazine, 
I have copies of all of Moore's plans available.

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