Tuesday January 28, 2025

Started by jerryrbeach, January 28, 2025, 08:01:06 AM

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Good morning.  The door is open and the lights are on...  Coffee is tracklayers blend with a rusty spike to give it some flavor.  We've got scrambled eggs, pancakes, french toast with real maple syrup.  Bacon, ham, or sausage patties, or all three if you're really hungry.  Hot water for tea or hot chocolate for those scared to sample the coffee.  Cold drinks at the end of the line in the ice chest.

It is in the high 20's at the moment, with temps falling throughout the day as a series of cold fronts pass through and bring snow squalls with them. 

I hope everyone enjoys their breakfast and has an enjoyable day!


Morning all! Drink that coffee with your teeth closed!  ;D




Only if I could get all that into my stomach. Counting down till everything gets more expensive on 1 Feb.


A brief sliver of sun on the horizon as el sol cracked dawn 8) .  Gone back to steady grey overcast and 240 and moderate conditions.  There was lots of snow drifted on the roads yesterday as the Doll ran some errands outside in the high winds.  No new snow here of substance expected. 

I worked on the layout while she was out.  More of that likely today.  Several projects present themselves down there.  Penn Central like deferred maintenance is keeping my list full.  I do have enough clean that I was able to run a short local out and back from Royall Yard. 

So, that's it for SCentral Lower Michigan.  ::)

Be well all

Jim Donovan

IMG_4813.JPGGood Morning Folks;

Sorry Jerry I prefer my coffee able to not only fight back but sometimes win  :o
Thought I'd share a picture a friend took back where I grew up (Scottsville NY). The barn was about a mile from where I lived. 

I have been working on coming up with a 3D corrugated roof for a warehouse I have been working on. The last test print looked good so just a couple more changes and I can print out the finished roof. Interested in how it looks after painting and weathering.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all,

Nothing to see her today.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

Good Morning,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Jerry.

I've completed chores and am heading to the train room. The building inspector is finally due tomorrow to check the plumbing repair/installation of 4 Dec. :o

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Vietnam Seabee

Jim...that barn belongs in "buildings that beg to be modeled " section of the S&S Gazette


Afternoon all,

Yesterday was the stress test.  Guess I passed.  They let me go home rather than directing me to the hospital next door.  This morning was two hours in the dentist chair getting two old crowns removed and temporary crowns installed.  It was only painful when I pulled the credit card out to pay.

Guess I'll treat myself to some workbench time this afternoon.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

Mr. Critter

Bonjour à tous from the chill armpit of winter.  It is positively gelid here.  Not quite Cape Royds, but evocative.

My Builders In Scale Tidewater Wharf kit arrived today, along with the little unpainted HOn3 brass 30-foot boxcar I had them throw in as ballast.  Boxcar was shipped in 1978 and is, apart from heavy tarnish under its thick period lacquer, pristine.  As for the kit... This is my first hands-on exposure to a full boat, multi-building diorama model kit, and my eyes are watering.  Never seen such well-drafted drawings.  The instruction manual could've been written by NASA.  Apart from its abundance of structural cardstock, a lot of which I see myself replacing with styrene card for its lack of wriggliness when subjected to my locale's wild fluctuations in humidity, I'm deeply impressed. And the plans are dated 1992.  Already thinking about cladding the lighthouse with styrene to simulate riveted steel plate in the style of my two local lighthouses, instead of the shingled cladding the kit intends.  That said, I intend to start with the coffee shop.  It's small, and it's been a while.

Love that barn picture, Mister Donovan.


Neat barn shot!

There are dozens of old barns in similar or worse shape in my area. Central Michigan, they're to expensive to repair for the owners.

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