Ogden & Cache Valley RR

Started by Onewolf, April 04, 2016, 03:39:49 PM

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 I built the 3/4" plywood subroadbed for the Cache Valley Branch line as it climbs from the mainline elevation at 82" up above the upper return loop at 88" (Franklin, Idaho). It's about a 40 ft climb at 1.25% grade and the total length of the branchline is about 58 ft.

The mainline as it passes under the Cache Valley Branchline. The minaline will enter a tunnel right about here.

I also installed the Woodland Scenics foam roadbed for the Cache Valley Branchline. Here's where the branchline splits off the mainline using a Peco Code 83 #8 turnout.

The #6 turnout is where a spur that services a coal mine facility will be located.

The branchline climbs as it heads out and back in the right 'wing'. The mainline is in the foreground.

The view of the branchline passing over the mainline as it heads up and over the upper return loop.

The connection for the branchline subroadbed to the plywood base above the upper return loop. There will be a 3/4" foam insulation panel above the 3/4" plywood base.

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Looking good.. :) 8)

Stay cool and run steam......... 8) 8)


You are sure moving right along on this.  Very nice work.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Starting to patch/fair/sand the masonite backdrop.

First coat of primer.

Second coat of primer.

"Dancing Blue" sky color

All the upper level backdrops have been painted the basic sky blue.

After spraying some white haze/clouds.

I installed the track for the Cache Valley Branchline. It's the track on the right here. The middle track is the mainline and the track on the left is the helper district service track.

The track on the left is the Cache Valley Branchline. It starts climbing a 1.25% grade here in order to get above the upper return loop/staging tracks.

The branchline uses the right 'wing' to climb up to Franklin, Idaho (above the upper return loop).

As the branchline passes over the mainline.


The 1" foam is glued down and seams are caulked. I have also installed a 2" tall 3/16" fascia to hide the edges of the 3/4" plywood and 1" foam.

It's ready to install the branchline and spur tracks that service Franklin Idaho.

I'm starting to work on installing the 5/8" plywood and 3/4" foam base above the lower return loop where the city of Ogden will be located. Because the city base is about 45" deep the backdrop in this area will be removable.

Installing the risers that will support the 5/8" plywood (and foam) city base.

I have installed the first 5/8" plywood base piece and now I'm working on fitting the (removable) backdrop 1/4" plywood panel.

I plan to build a large "high rise" interpretation of downtown Ogden in this area. The pirates from the Great Salt Lake who founded Ogden were very successful in attracting large multi-national banks and corporations with their programs of low tax and lez a faire attitude towards corporate governance. :)

Half of the lower return loop is still accessible by going under the benchwork and coming up in the large openings next to the removable backdrop. I will also be connecting the track coming thru the wall from the model workshop (offsite passeneger service facility, aka 4 tracks of passenger train staging) to the spur that services Ogden.

Painting the removable backdrop panel the base "Brilliant Skies" blue before installing it on the layout.



The work is perfect and to think it is all a one man show. Very well done sir, very well done indeed.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


 I have mounted the removable backdrop and painted the room wall the base sky color. Unfortunately the double switch wall plate and thermostat will intrude somewhat but there wasn't anywhere else feasible to mount them.

I've got the second plywood base section mounted and all the risers and ledger boards mounted for the next two plywood sections.

Two more plywood base sections cut and placed. I need to make some small refinements to one of the plywood sections before mounting them.

After cutting and mounting the last two plywood sections I will start working on the backdrop panel that goes between the removable panel and the room wall backdrop.


Quote from: Onewolf on February 12, 2017, 03:15:46 PM
Unfortunately the double switch wall plate and thermostat will intrude somewhat but there wasn't anywhere else feasible to mount them.

I don't know what kind of scenery you will have there , but maybe it's possible to hide the switches with a building or piece of mountain.
I love photo's, don't we all.


I have been very busy with work over the last month so progress (and updates) on the layout have slowed.

Working on the risers, plywood sub-roadbed and Homasote roadbed for the track that connects the branchline in Ogden through the backdrop to the 'offsite' passenger train facility (staging) in the model workshop. The steel brackets that support the middle level benchwork are in the way relative to the original track plan so I modified the track plan such that the first turnout in the model workshop yard is a right hand turnout and it will come through the hole in the wall on a diagonal allowing the connecting track to follow the right edge (inside) of the lower level staging track loops.

I have installed the final backdrop panel and I have begun the spackle/fair the screw holes and the edge on the left side where the panel meets the room wall.

I have cut and dry placed the 3/4" foam sheets that will make the 'base' for the city of Ogden.'

I built a tunnel enclosure and painted it flat black to 'hide' the inside of the layout benchwork behind the backdrop panel. This opening in the backdrop will be shielded (mostly) from view by a fairly large building.

I have painted the last backdrop panel. The edge between these two panels is more visible than 'ideal' but the panel on the right is removable from the back side and the left panel is positioned at an oblique angle which required a mitered cut. 1/4" luann plywood does not miter cut as well as thicker plywood.

Gluing down the next section of 3/4" foam.

I am going to have a 24"X20" removable section of foam that will allow me to stand here when I need access to the middle level above here for construction and maintenance purposes. I was originally thinking about having a permanent piece of 3/4" plywood here but then I realized using a piece of removable 3/4" foam would be a MUCH better idea.

The removable section with the 5/8" plywood underneath.

The view when standing in the 'removable' foam area on the benchwork.

The view from behind the backdrop of the lower return loop track and the elevated track that connects the city level track to the 'offsite' passenger staging tracks in the model workshop.

Here you can see the 'tunnel box' where the connector track goes through the backdrop on its way into the model workshop. The tunnel box is painted flat black inside and just sits on the 5/8" plywood benchwork on the left end and horizontal screws on the right side so it is removable.

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision




Well, done sir. Looks fantastic.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

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