Sears kit house, the "Pittsburg"

Started by ak-milw, July 24, 2016, 05:44:18 PM

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Roofing is moving right along, I have to build the dormer before I go any further.


Andy, it is moving along and looking quite cool. How are your planning to finish the off the top row of the side entrance roof?


Didn't see it till you mentioned it Marty, going to have to give it some thought.


Hi Andy:

You are moving right along with this project. It looks better every day. Keep the photos flowing.



Thanks Karl, pictures will keep coming.

Ok guy's I have run into a problem. In building this house I tried to use parts I already had on hand (not a lot of extra currency at this time) So the windows I used for the second floor are longer than in the prototype. I didn't think this would be a problem until I tried to fit the dormer. In order to make the dormer work it would have to be in the middle of the front porch or above the second floor as in an attic. I don't want to just throw away the building and start over because I have money tied up in it. So after beating my head on the workbench I decided to keep the house and finish it without the dormer. I know this may get me shunned as a modeler or kicked off the forum but it is the best I can do. So much for trying to save a few dollars.


Andy, Did you consider taking the window and cutting out some from the middle and then welding it back together? I have done that a few times and it works well. The acetate glass helps bind everything together.


That would be one way around it Marty if I would have done it before I installed the windows. If I did it now I would have to plug the hole in the bottom of the windows and never looks right. I think I will just stick to plan B.


Carrying on without the dormer, the roofing is finished. Now on to finish the trim.


Ken Crump
KC's Workshop


Dormer or no dormer....still lookin' sweet!


Side porch is finished, now on to the front.


Working on the front porch. Brick columns were donated by Ken at KC Workshop.

Dave K.

Kenny's da man' 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻



Great build, looks real sweet. Ok, tell us how KC helped ya! Inquiring minds and all that.

Tom ;D
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Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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