
Started by madharry, January 22, 2017, 11:43:38 AM

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The third magnet's position is determined before a hole is cut into the baseboard.

All the three magnets are on just one of the boards. I flipped it over and covered the holes to the hold the magnets. I found a piece of Wills plastic scenic material was just the right size when cut into three. I glued these to the bottom of the baseboard using a contact adhesive - Thixofix.




As the boards are apart for the above exercise, I thought I would show a picture of the male and female brass dowels that align the boards together.




The boards have been joined again using the dowels to align them and then bolts and wing nuts are used to keep them together.

As I am about to start laying track I have inserted two pieces of 1mm plasticard between the boards. The tracks will be laid across the join in the boards and then cut with a slitting disc. Once the plasticard is removed the gap in the tracks will be closer together.




I decided to test the magnets first before laying the track. A Hornby coach was retrofitted with a Kadee #18 coupler and run over the buried magnet. Everything works fine!




Time to lay the track. First the two turnouts leading to the goods shed and loco release.

I soldered two sets of wires under the small section of straight track which is going to be the loco release. I drilled holes through the baseboard and carefully treaded the wires through. I used small sections of double sided tape to hold the track in place . This will suffice until it is ballasted.

Because the ties on the C&L Finescale track are thinner than the Peco ties I placed 1mm cardboard under the C&L trackage to bring it to the same level.




I added the goods shed track and I could not resist posing my LSWR Adams Radial and a beer wagon (what else?) on the newly laid tracks.



A slight hiatus on the layout while I await two turning loops to arrive from the Netherlands.

I have decided to incorporate a Magnorail scale road system into the layout.

Magnorail uses a plastic chain in channelling powered by a 12volt DC motor equipped with earth magnets. The magnets circulate within the chain below a road surface. their speed and direction can be controlled by a transformer.

Here is a picture of the chain and motor.




Here is my fleet of Oxford 1930's British cars - a blue Morris 8, a maroon Jaguar SS and Austin 7 "Lipton Teas" van. Also pictured is a Magnorail cyclist which has working legs as he pedals along the street.

All the cars and the pedalling cyclist will be used as they move along a street scene behind the railway station area.




I missed this thread while recovering from surgery. Great thread and very informative. Thanks for taking the time to explain all the steps.

I love the Midsomer Murder series. Great show.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Thanks Tom you were sorely missed. I have a friend who went in yesterday for the same op. I'm glad you are back.

Kindest regards
Mike :D


I've been following along, but want to thank you for mentioning Magnorail - it appears to offer much more flexibility regarding vehicles than the self-propelled wire-guided systems I've seen here and in the Netherlands.  But doing business with them from outside the EU might be complicated...


James, I agree the models are far more controllable using this system. I get mine direct from Holland. They accept paypal and their website will compute mailing charges to the US. You can also pay by the normal credit cards. I intend using the system on three layouts i am building.





The best laid plans.........I decided to add a third board to my little empire specifically as a "fiddle-yard". I have a used board but I found the prefitted dowels did not line up with my new boards. The only way I could fit it was to reverse the trackplan. So I had to take up the track, turnouts and magnets I had already laid and plug the holes. I then relaid them in the reverse direction.............ouch!

That is now done and the next stage is to lay the track across the board joints using copperclad. I have cut the long strip into tie lengths as I need 16.


PRR Modeler

Very nice Mike. I really enjoy the how to aspect.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Thanks Curt,

I am intending to show the complete build all the way through to a finished exhibition layout ready for the British Model Railway shows circuit.

Some of the steps may be mundane but I am always learning something new from other modellers. So............

Mike :)

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