time to start some more projects

Started by trainmanmarsh, April 07, 2014, 10:51:40 PM

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Hello everyone

Since I just managed to finish three projects last week I have realized I need to start a few more so I can try to finish more in one week. The First one I'm Starting will be Elm Farming Supplies. Its a small place that has nearly everything a farmer could want.

As you can see I have the walls together and need to get the windows and doors installed. There will be more added to this as I continue.

The Next project I am starting is an engine house. This will be a future kit from Jeff Grove at Carolina Craftsman Kits. Jeff Mailed me the parts last week and once i get it all together and looking good, I'll send it back to him so he can get it made into a kit. I braced the walls and glued them together.

I asked Jeff what color he'd like the engine house to be and he said to surprise him so I came up with a couple of samples to see which he liked better.

Ok, here are the real samples

I am now working on getting the walls painted and installing the windows. After that it will be time to tackle the roof.

Well that's it for now. I better get back to painting if I want to get these finished.

Till Next time
Espen L. Marsh


Hi Espen:

Looks good so far. I'll be following along with your build.



Hello once again.

Time for a bit of an update on these two projects. First off the engine house. I got the windows painted and installed then went to go put the front doors on and found a bit of a problem

I informed Jeff who decided to restart the whole kit and kaboodle with an updated design. So back to the beginning on that. Now for Elm's. I have made a great deal of progress on Elm farming supply. I got the diorama base carved out and decided to try carving my own retaining walls out of plaster. It was much easier than I thought it would be. Somewhere years ago I had read about using Legos to  make mold boxes so i gave it a shot. I hot glued the boxes to a chunk of styrofoam and poured in the plaster

Once they were dry I simply pulled apart the legos and popped the blanks off with a putty knife. Then came the hours of carving and carving and carving. It wasn't all that bad. I sat out on the deck and it was almost relaxing.

I now have all the pieces carved and I have tested them all to make sure they fit. I am going to be making molds of all the pieces because it turns out that this too will become another product of Mr. Grove. I am just waiting on the rubber to arrive. So till it does, here are some overall shots of Elm Farming

Espen L. Marsh

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