Freight Car Photos (model and prototype)

Started by jbvb, April 21, 2014, 11:18:51 PM

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Quote from: postalkarl on June 28, 2017, 07:34:18 AM
HI Tom:

Nice. perfect light weathering.



Thank you, as always much appreciated.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Quote from: tct855 on June 28, 2017, 08:01:52 AM
ACL 1504,
           I agree with my big brother from another mother Karl!  Very realistic work.  Did you ever do professional weathering on rollingstock for customers?  I can't wait to see your layout loaded with all weathered freight cars once complete.  Good luck with the upcoming open house T.   Thanx Thom...


Thank you, very much appreciate the compliment. No, I only painted brass locos and maybe 10 diesels for customers. I've only weathered a little over 20 cars at this point. Only 300 more to go.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Hi all,
       Haven't seen a post here in awhile so I thought I post a set of plastic Red Caboose flat cars I did 6 months ago for a customer.

I started with rebuilding and modifying the frame and trucks to allow for proper weight at empty and better tracking.  Followed up with scribing & lifting individual boards for a board by board wear n tear decking.  Melted in place Cerabin for distributed weight and then painted to match underframe weathering.

Heavy weathering with some extra odd detail parts hanging around for a hopefully interesting-wonder what the last load was- viewing.  Air release & coupler lift bars with brackets finishes off the simple detailing.    Thanx Thom...


Quote from: tct855 on August 17, 2017, 05:00:47 PM
Hi all,
       Haven't seen a post here in awhile so I thought I post a set of plastic Red Caboose flat cars I did 6 months ago for a customer.

I started with rebuilding and modifying the frame and trucks to allow for proper weight at empty and better tracking.  Followed up with scribing & lifting individual boards for a board by board wear n tear decking.  Melted in place Cerabin for distributed weight and then painted to match underframe weathering.

Heavy weathering with some extra odd detail parts hanging around for a hopefully interesting-wonder what the last load was- viewing.  Air release & coupler lift bars with brackets finishes off the simple detailing.    Thanx Thom...

Love your work Mr T !!


After I tore the layout down earlier this summer I haven't done much model railroading - been way too focused on the new house (and getting the old one ready to sell).

I did manage to locate the decals for this Westerfield I-GN (International Great Northern) ca. 1926 "Murphy" single sheathed boxcar. I'd assembled the car as part of a "live demo" at the MARPM meet last fall, but had never painted and lettered it.

So I took the time to paint it - the photo shows it in the initial decal phase - at this point there's still some decal film visible since I hadn't "snuggled" the decals down completely.

Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


          Glad to hear you are dabbling in modeling again!  Wow, a very nice & handsome expertly assembled model.  This is going to be a fine right model on any layout once completed.  Thanks for posting M&M.   Thanx Thom...


So Below is a Carter Bros. car that I built in HOn3 about 6 years ago.  It was the last car I built for my AP certificate and this one was the last toward my MMR.

I had built enough cars to know what would judge out and this one had enough.

I built it from a crude plan in a Narrow Gauge Gazette.

Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?


    Where do I begin?  The truck chains, the truss rod work, the brake rigging.  Yup, I've decided... all excellent job!  Question BP, did I notice the trucks were screwed on from the top? or did you cut off the screw head on bottom? Hummm.

Since I'm here in an askin mood, will did this car receieve couplers and lift bars on this highly detailed car.   Thanx Thom...



These photos were taken before couplers and before the final dress up for judging.  There are a lot of paint chips and the like that were not shown to the judges. Good eye...

The bolsters were really fun to make up. The trucks are from Rio Grand Models in Santa Clara California.  He cast the truck bolsters with a lot of space to get a nut in there.  That was the last thing I wanted in there for judging. 

There is a little piece of me that loves to confound judges.  Make them ask< "What is that?!" or, "How did he do that?"

So...........  When I made up the bolster beams for the car frame I super glued a half inch long, hex head, 0-80 screw in there with the head trapped between the beams.  I would cut the length later.  I then took two of the ascetal plastic (engineering plastic / aka Delrin I think) that comes with the kit to build Kadee HOn3 trucks.  It is the bolster piece that presses onto their king pin.  I hung threads in the hole and then wound the piece onto the 0-80 screw.  There is no slot or flatted sides on it so it is really hard to figure out what it is.  I then cut the screw to just enough length that the paint that went on after this photo held the plastic slug on there.

Thanx for looking in.

See ya

This car has a lot of miles on it since then.
Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?


Here are two photos that I just took of the car. Closer to "as judged" but still with a lot of miles since.

Thanx again
see ya
Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?


Bob, Are you sure there is just a little bit?


Decals finished - means I added an overcoat of Future floor polish and coat of Vallejo flat.
I might hold off weathering this one until I complete a couple of other "half finished" (started?) cars ...

Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Excellent job Marty! Unfinished projects .... Who has them?


           Excellent job!  I haven't tried the Vallejo flat yet.  Seems I got some more modeling skills to develop.  Question are you at the weathering stage now?  Can't wait to see the car once weathered.  Thanx Thom... 



Looks really good. Very well done sir.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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