Pittsburgh and West Virginia and Union RR update

Started by TomW, February 25, 2021, 08:50:06 PM

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Mark Dalrymple

Some beautiful work, Tom.

Most realistic.

Cheers, Mark.


Love the update Tom.....great scenery work and mine scene.  8)  Keep the photos coming.  :)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Hey Tom:

Love what you did with that scratchbuild. Beautiful job.


Dennis Bourey

Tom, That's a Beautiful Scratch build. Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


Very nice layout and structures !
Like the era you choose to model.
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Avella Pa. House scratch built station scratch built backdrop photoshopped in.


West End of the P&WV , Tower by FOS. The branch line to Mifflin and Clairton take off at the tower. The main line goes to Connellsville.


Clairton interchange yard with the Union RR. I photoshopped in the backdrop of the real interchange yard. I tok the prototype picture in the early 90's. on the layout I had a WM engine the day I took the picture. In reality I know they went to Mifflin in the 70's using pooled power with the N&W. Just took modelers license for this shot. The bridge in the backdrop is the Ravensburg bridge .The photo is looking toward the N&W branch line.


Great work Tom. The photos and layout are really "moody"...you really capture the feel of the area modeled. I was flipping through thinking it looks familiar when I found Tom's link to the old thread and realized I had been there that day...2014? Wow...also cool to visit a layout and say to myself that I've seen this before in a magazine. I've been fortunate to have that one quite a few times at convention layout tours.  I often forget who I met with yesterday, but I have an amazing recall memory of Model Railroader (particularly 80's), music trivia, BMX and Skateboarding...if only I could clear some of that out for more practical knowledge :o

My favorite scene/detail that I just always associate with your layout is that cool mine vent (structure) with the giant fan behind the screen.


Keep It Rusty

As John said, the photos really do capture a perfect mood. And they can only do that thanks to some seriously great modeling. Keep those photos coming.


O Hommel layout update The scene is almost finished.


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



Nice grouping of buildings, granted you had something to go by, but the scene is well represented in miniature. Another impressive scene on the railroad!




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