Sunday August 1, 2021

Started by Raymo, August 01, 2021, 07:10:08 AM

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Morning. I talked to the Dr. yesterday and he said I was one of the worst he's done a fusion on. 6 hours in surgery laying on my stomach. My breast bone feels like I got hit with a baseball bat, that's more pain. Hopefully it will get better in the next couple days.

Opa George

Best wishes for a quick recovery, Raymo!  Hope you start feeling better very soon.
--Opa George
George Nagle
Twin Mountain Barge & Navigation Co.
Harrisburg, PA


Morning, all.

Glad to hear the surgery went well, Dan.  Hope the recovery is quick.  Here, we're back from seeing the grandchildren and going to the Oshkosh airshow.  I need a couple of days to recover.   Two and one half year old boys have a lot of energy.  We didn't take them to the show, but walking over five miles and being on my feet 10 plus straight hours has me sore (not as sore as Dan, so I'm not really complaing).   This pic is a P 51B painted for the Tuskeegee Airmen.



Morning all,

Dan happy the surgery went well and hope your recovery continues to improve daily.

The Judge brought a new ACL SW7 switcher over yesterday, it a beauty. the LOK sound will have to be replaced with TCS WOW sound. reading Bob made a surprise visit to see the diesel. More BS'ing occurred at the restaurant.

Some yard work and they train time.

Have a great day ya'll.

Tom  ;D

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Morning everyone

Looks like showers moving into the Jersey area this am then sunny later on!
I have things I need to do outside but with the forecast who knows!

Maybe just some train time later.

Everyone have a great day!! :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

Keep It Rusty

Morning ramblers.

Raymo, wishing you well for a speedy recovery. Hopefully that additional pain is just the sign of success.

Finishing the Flux Mill diorama this morning, so I'll upload finished photos soon.

Jim Donovan

Good Morning Everyone;

Dan, that does not sound like fun, hopefully the worst is over and you get to feel much more normal soon.

Oshkosh, I miss going there. Last time must be 20 years ago. Flew in with a Mooney 231. Fast, slippery and an electrical nightmare. We camped out next to plane for three days. One day a SR-71 did a low pass at full power, I thought my eye teeth would rattle out!

Things will be a little slower today. I am making real progress on the 3D printed windows, hope to have prototype models finished today. Hope everyone has a great day.

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad


Hoping for a quick recovery, Dan.
Rain on the way and maybe, just maybe, finally some "me time".
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Good morning! Positive thoughts and prayers for a successful and speedy recovery Dan. I'm taking advantage of the nice weather we are having this week with some outdoor activities. I hope everyone has a great day.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Hoping the pain and discomfort is worth it, Raymo!

Yesterday I started on a bunch of Tam Valley Switchwright kits, including making cables for the power feed.  I think that's the most annoying step.  (I have the specialized crimper tool, since I have a bunch of cables to make and it's particularly useful to make them to exact lengths rather than work with pre-assembled cables.) 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Dan - Advice from my experience with the same operation. Do what the Dr says and take the pain meds. Don't push it, slow and easy. Jim
Jim Mueller
Westchester and Boston Railroad


Good morning, all.  The NH seacoast was cool overnight but our morning is forecast to be sunny.  Last night I put a couple more layouts on the NER Mill City 21 website.  One is an HOn3 modular reproduction of the Boston, Reverre Beach & Lynn in 1895.  12 feet of selectively compressed Lynn, MA are presently at the Lynn Museum, the next three (Saugus River crossing) are in progress at the builder's studio.  The way I had to do the site to work on both computers and phones, I can't link directly to the B,RB&L page, but go here and click the B,RB&L link:

The Lynn Museum site has several videos where the builder (who doesn't seem to be a lifelong modeler) describes the history he's showing.


Wishing you a speedy recovery Dan , take care.
I love photo's, don't we all.


 Thanks everyone. Worse part is getting comfortable.

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