Jock Oliphant - Flotation mine

Started by Mark Dalrymple, December 19, 2021, 08:03:18 PM

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Mark Dalrymple

Hi guys.

As I move into the Shadowlands part of my layout I've been thinking about the different mines I would like to build.  Top of that list is Jock Oliphant's flotation mine.  This featured in a 1974 model magazine with two photographs.  In the short blurb it mentioned that Jock based his mine on drawings published in RMC (railroad model craftsman).  It doesn't mention which issue. I would love a copy of these plans, or failing this the year and month of the magazine issue to help me track a copy down.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Mark.



Have you considered sending an email to RMC to see if they have an index they could consult that would give you the date of the back issue you need?



This came up when googling 
November 1977: Vol. 46, No. 6

It mentions an article on Jock , not sure if this is the plans to that mine though. 
I love photo's, don't we all.

Mark Dalrymple

Thanks, Jerry - I'll keep that in mind.

Janbouli - the article featuring the plans would need to be pre 1974 (or 1974), as that is when Jock won first place for his flotation mine scratchbuild.  The volume you have found is from three years later when Jock again won the craftsmans award for his scratchbuilt version of Freda mine at the Denver NMRA nationals.  Another extremely fine build.

Cheers, Mark.



I may have found the articles, yes there are two, of the year and month they may have been published by RMC. I have a paper index that comes or did come with the magazines. Unfortunately I don't have the 1964 series of RMC magazines. At least I couldn't find them at the moment. I scanned the index. This may be what you're looking for.

Hope this helps.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Just confirmed that those are the correct dates. Did a quick look on E-bay and found that they are available from this seller.

Here's a picture of the February issue which would be part two.

Good luck.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


His models he built were on display in Canada.
Check this link...
Don't know if they still have them from 2015...and there are 7 photos to view in that link...2 of that mine for you.
Click on each photo to enlarge them if needed.
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


The original model and plans were done by Gil Melle.

I built my own version decades ago but did not compare to Joc's version.

Long ago destroyed.

Quite large structure when built.

Grab the RMCs on eBay while they are there.
Darryl Huffman

You can follow my blog here:

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I should have this issue, let me know if you need the plans/article.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


I've ordered both from E-bay. He may not have any of that date anymore.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteI've ordered both from E-bay. He may not have any of that date anymore.

Thanks for all that information, Bernd!

I knew others would be interested.  The flotation mine Jock built is a sensational build - one of the very best I have ever seen.  Do you intent to build it?

Buying from the USA is tricky at the moment for me, as USPS has frozen shipping to 21 countries, including New Zealand.

Please let me (us) know what you find when your two copies arrive, as it sounded like it might have been a two part plan.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteHis models he built were on display in Canada.
Check this link...
Don't know if they still have them from 2015...and there are 7 photos to view in that link...2 of that mine for you.
Click on each photo to enlarge them if needed.

Thanks, Tommy!

I had a quick look and there looks to be some good photos here.  I'll have a read up tonight.  Apparently he swapped to model ship building.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteThe original model and plans were done by Gil Melle.

I built my own version decades ago but did not compare to Joc's version.

Long ago destroyed.

Quite large structure when built.

Grab the RMCs on eBay while they are there.

Thanks, Darryl.

I had a go at sizing the model, using the hopper in the photograph as a guide.  My overall measurements were 656mm (29") x 245mm (9 1/2").  I don't know how close I got.  As mentioned earlier, shipping to NZ is problematic from the USA as present.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark Dalrymple

QuoteI should have this issue, let me know if you need the plans/article.

Thanks, Dave.

I would love the plans, article if you could scan and email them to me.  I'm not sure if I completely understand the shorthand in Bernd's post of the index, but if 164 and 264 mean January 1964 and February 1964, there might be two articles in two issues.

It sounds like Bernd will have copies soon, too!  Maybe Bernd is looking to the yearly challenge?  I feel that really would be a challenge!  As Darryl mentioned - she's a pretty big structure.

Cheers, Mark.


Here you go:  (11 mb PDF)

I've seen the remnants of flotation mills, particularly one in Bisbee, AZ (for copper).  They're definitely big, and lots of concrete footings, tanks, etc.

There might have been a flotation mill at Britannia Beach, BC, too:  That was also a favorite filming location for shows, particularly X-Files.  Lots of atmospheric/creepy scenes were filmed there.  (It was fun to live in BC and spot X-Files filming locations.  I think one episode was filmed in the alley behind the apartment where we stayed for the first month we were there.)  Yup, there was a flotation mill there, this also mentions X Files episodes:

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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