Thursday Febuary 29, 2024

Started by JimGF51, February 29, 2024, 04:55:04 AM

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Good morning one and all. Been down with health issues, and a real loss of oomph getting back into back into the hobby. Anyone else have spells like that? (not the health issue :)


Keep It Rusty

Morning all.

Jim, I've been under the weather for just over three weeks, but I'm nose up... outta the dive now. I hear you when it comes to finding the energy after such a spell. It's tough. Let yourself feel better then start something really small. Something you can start and finish in a single sitting. This is the key to finding the drive again.


Good morning,

Hope the health issues are behind both of you.  Yes, I've had spells where the time and opportunity to sit down at the workbench presented itself but, alas, I failed to take advantage of the situation because I simply didn't feel like working on whatever project I had going at the moment.  I guess it happens to everyone at some point.  Although, judging by how productive some of the other forum members are, maybe it happens more to me than others.   ;D

Today is my Friday.  Four-day weekend on tap but there will be little opportunity for workbench time.  The better half and I are headed to Mt. Dora tomorrow to spend a couple of days in a B&B.  We'll return Sunday.  Then the crew is coming on Monday to install new windows in the house, so I'll be busy moving things out of the way so they can access the windows.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Last night I slept through the entire night, and feel pretty good after fighting a cold all week.  Just in time, too, as we head out for 2 weeks in Spain on Sunday.  So nothing's happened in the train room.  I hope to get down there this afternoon for a bit of work.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to



What can I say ... February seems to be longer than the previous years. Hugh winds and snow yesterday that had the house whistling.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning,

Today I see the dentist again. :'( The van is still in the shop. They're tracking down a short in the electrical system. I forsee my wallet being significantly lighter today.

Dave enjoy your trip to Europe.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Morning All...headed out for an early beginning to my workday (hopefully an early end). Date night tonight but had a good day "training" yesterday. Backdrop is hung...track is primarily laid and next step would be to install and test the Circuitry AR-2 reversing circuit for my steeply graded mine branch. I also have more benchwork tuning to do and then on to my beloved scenery construction. No shortage of minor to-do's as well...all of my craftsman structures survived layout destruction intact - but nearly all have a little bit of cleanup - reattaching some details, straightening some pilings, etc.

Have a great day!


Good morning.

I hope there is positive progress toward feeling much better for everyone under the weather or just recovering.

I, too, can hit those times where motivation is lacking.  As Craig said, I find starting something where I can see major progress if not a completed model helps to get me going again.  That's probably why I have far more very small structures than will ever fit on my layout.

The National Weather Service just blew up my phone with a severe snow squall warning.  I'm thinking anyone with a window already knew that, but I feel so much safer now (sarcasm!).

I hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day.


After reading the thread this AM, glad to know I have no unusual problems. Would like to be skipping the dental routine though. 
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Spent 2 hours in the dentist's chair yesterday , she made me look pretty again, all my front teeth are even heights again without pieces missing ;D
I love photo's, don't we all.


Afternoon all,

Dang, after reading today's post, I feel great for an old geezer. I did go to the Dermatologists this morning and they took three biopsies from my right arm. I'm an old pro at this, It looks like some slice and dice in my future.

Date night for Pam and me.

Have a safe and healthy rest of your day.

Tom  ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Rail and Tie

Quote from: jerryrbeach on February 29, 2024, 09:29:15 AMGood morning.

I hope there is positive progress toward feeling much better for everyone under the weather or just recovering.

I, too, can hit those times where motivation is lacking.  As Craig said, I find starting something where I can see major progress if not a completed model helps to get me going again.  That's probably why I have far more very small structures than will ever fit on my layout.

The National Weather Service just blew up my phone with a severe snow squall warning.  I'm thinking anyone with a window already knew that, but I feel so much safer now (sarcasm!).

I hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day.
I Get those weather warnings on my phone too. Usually come in as I am plowing my driveway to let me know that snow is going to hit!  Totally useless.

Same thing with our forest fire app. Last summer we got an evacuation order alert as we were leaving our property with our stuff in hand. Totally useless. Fortunately we did not get touched by the forest fire, but can't say the same for our neighbours. Over 180 homes destroyed.

Anyways, sun is shining and snow is melting. I get to spend a few hours at the bench on a new kit while the 3D printers and laser hum away.
Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies


For any of you craftsman kit nuts, The Roundhouse South, in Port Orange, FL (just south of Daytona) has dozens of FSM and other older craftsman kits. I've never seen so many yellow boxes - other than under ACL Tom's layout (and it's close). I guess they acquired an estate collection...there are also some beautiful brass HO engines (Shays, etc).

I scored a Caboose Hobbies "Silverado Mine"...I never knew they made kits but this one looks like a good fit for my new layout. I had to dig through a sea of yellow boxes to find it.

Nice people there - mostly Lionel type stuff but I was happy to support a small retailer in this tough industry. 

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