Monday - Nov 25 2024

Started by Onewolf, November 25, 2024, 08:23:25 AM

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Mornin' all,

It will be a nice short week for real work.  Company holiday Thur/Fri and I am taking off Wed.  My father and his companion should be arriving early afternoon.

I only got 86 + 70 bulbs planted this weekend and I have 100 Gladiola's to go.

Did a lot of house cleaning yesterday and Otis's 'glitter' killed the Shark vacuum.  I took it apart and cleaned all the fuzzy clogs and eventually it started working again.  Apparently the main motor has a thermal fuse that shuts it down if it gets too hot. 

Hope y'all have a nice Thanksgiving week!


Jim Donovan

Love the kitchen! Looking good. As for myself I got the 3D printer finally working through the internet so I no longer need to use USB flash drive to send the data file to printer. Todeay working on some finances and the flour mill project. Hope everyone has a great day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all,

I'll second Jim's comment on that kitchen.  You have a really nice place, Doug.  Of course, I'm more jealous of the basement.  ;D

A little shopping today, some workbench time and we've been invited to a friend's house for some Gumbo later on in the day.  I skipped the morning walk because it was too chilly out (and I was nice and warm under the covers).

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Good morning.

Brisk but sunny here today.  I'll third Jim's comment about your kitchen Doug.  Freight cars still on the workbench here, I know I say that every day, but it is true...

I hope everyone has a safe, warm, and rewarding day!


Morning all.

Bloodwork this morning.  Trip to the grocery store later this morning as well.  I managed to walk half a mile yesterday without issues, but that was our last nice day for awhile, may have to walk at the mall to build up my endurance.   



I took the photo of my kitchen because it's rare when the large island is not covered with "projects".  :)



That is a kitchen to die for, or marry for.

First killing frost, with a hint of snow on the was. Were out to Ikea to get more storage to hide more junk in. Sigh!


 Morning, our '21 Honda Pilot car was hit while waiting at a stop sign last night. Both of us our sore as the other car was traveling at a higher rate of speed, maybe 30 plus MPH... May be off line for a while, will check in again soon. Trying to get a rental car this morning...Tom and Sandy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Ugh!  Hope Tom & Sandy are OK, and their insurance treats them well!

add:  We'll have 2 geology professors over for dinner tomorrow (one is the sister visiting a neighbor, the other one of my profs from UNH.  The two know each other, they work in the same area.)  I can't wait to hear what they have to say about my countertops, which I think are particularly interesting from a petrology/mineralogy perspective...

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

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