Thursday, November 28, 2024

Started by Zephyrus52246, November 28, 2024, 08:00:57 AM

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Morning all.

Turkey Day!   I'll be headed to the grocery store this morning where our yummy ready to go Thanksgiving dinner will be boxed up and ready.  It's a "dinner for two", but it feeds us twice and is quite reasonable on price.  No mess, no carcass in the fridge for a week, no work.  It's ideal for the two of us.   

Started bracing the walls on the FSM kit and will continue that today.  Football watching on tap as well.

Have a great day, and a nice nap after dinner.   8)



Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



Jim Donovan

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone;

The wife is excited her Detroit Lions play today and we have her sisters (and husbands) coming over for Thanksgiving diner. I am sure a nap will be in there this afternoon as well, most likely while watching the football game.

I listened to Todd Wiley's latest podcast and he truly did a great job promoting our little clubhouse forum. I don't know if anyone has noticed but the site remains extremely stable, easy to use and well... doing the job it was supposed to do. Let your modeling friends know and let's get back all those who left because of the site issues a couple years ago.

Have a Great Thanksgivingcute-thanksgiving-turkey-3d-illustration-free-photo.webp
Holland & Odessa Railroad


Happy Day, all you turkeys!

I have a turkey breast to do.  It's raining, so I won't do it outside on the grill as planned.  Bummer.  But until I start cooking, I'll head down to the train room.  The scenery 'dirt' and paint I laid down yesterday is a bit dark, so I'll look at lightening the mix.  Texture is good and it stuck to the paint/glue mix quite well.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to



Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here in the US and wishing others a Good Morning and great day!

My better half is getting ready to put the turkey breast in the oven.  She'll make stuffing (aka dressing) and a couple of other things for the three of us.  A chocolate cake with peanut butter icing for dessert.  Yummy!

As much as I wanted to avoid going out tomorrow it looks like a trip to JoAnn's is in order.  The little Ott Light on my workbench went wonky yesterday.  A search for replacement bulbs, on Amazon, found a plethora of them but I can't ascertain which one is the correct one.  They all read "If your Ott Light was purchased before 2008".  Dang if I can remember when I bought the thing.  Oh well, a new bulb costs more than half what a new fixture does so I might as well replace the whole thing.

Have a great one!

Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


  Morning and Happy Thanksgiving to all. Family is coming over soon. We are both sore from the collision that totaled our '21 Honda Pilot while we were at a stop sign Sunday evening. Body shop says over 25k in damage...Tommy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Morning everyone

Happy Thanksgiving to all here on the forum.

Tom glad to hear your just sore and not something else.  Hope the recovery is quick!

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  ;D

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

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