Clearwater Valley Railway Co.

Started by elwoodblues, January 04, 2025, 05:36:51 PM

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kyle creel

The project is coming along so well.  I'm excited to see the scene develope.  It really is great to watch as the whole thing takes shape.  Will there be a lot of rocks and debri, or will it be more subdued and grassy. Trees? This is really cool Ron, and I love the TT.  Have fun..................

G&D Ry.


Thanks for the comments Philip, Jerry and Kyle, they are very much appreciate them.

Jerry, the turntable pit and bridge are from a Walthers 90ft HO Turntable.  The deck is scratchbuilt.

Kyle, The layout is based in British Columbia, so I'm thinking lots of rocks.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

kyle creel


G&D Ry.


Good evening everyone,  guess what?  It's time for another update. :)

Update # 11 . . . .  The Bridge crew gets to work.

While waiting for glue to dry I decided to start working on the steel girder bridge because it's location and length will determine the length of the trestle bridge.


I was able to pick an unfinished project from my "Unfinished project shelf".  Ok, it could be a couple of shelves.  If memory serves me correctly, I started this project 3-4 years ago, but it never got finished due to a work assignment.  The sides came from the Atlas HO flat car girder load that was spliced together and the deck was scratchbuilt using Evergreen styrene structural pieces.


I finished off the ends and painted the bridge with TAMIYA oxide red fine surface primer.


Seeing as most railroads tend to put their name on the sides of their bridges I decided to do the same.  ;)  Although I will say that the lettering in real life looks straighter than in the picture.  I'm sure that no one will notice once the weathering is done.  Now I just need to figure out how to weather it, should I use washes and weathering powders, of should I take the easy way out and leave it outside for a couple of years and hope Gracie (our dog) doesn't find it.


When I built the trestle for my On30 modules I built a jig for the bridge ties.  I tend to keep my jigs in case I build something else where I could use them.  This will be the 3rd bridge I have used this jig on.


Once the ties are laid in the jig, I used a 1/4" strip of masking tap to hold the ties in place while they were transfered to the bridge.


The ties were glued to the bridge using CA adhesive.

The ties will be stained when I stain the staging yard ties.  At least now I can build the trestle bent that will support one end or this bridge and one end of the trestle.

Thanks for looking in.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Larry C

Ron your bridge looks really good. As far as the weathering goes, I think it
depends on "how much" you want. Washes would be heavier where as powders would
be more subtle; just my 2 nickels worth due to inflation.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR



Great looking bridge, well done.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Howdy Ron, excellent work on the bridge.  It looks like a winner.  Have fun, mike


Hey Ron nice job I like that little jig you used for the ties.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


kyle creel

Superb, absolutely superb..............
G&D Ry.


Thanks for the nice comments on the bridge Curt, Rick, Larry, Tom, Bernd, Mike, Jerry, Philip and Kyle.

Time for another update, just a small one this time.

Update #12 . . . . The track Crew Begins Work.


To begin the track laying process I cut out paper templates of the switches and glue them in place with white glue.  This gives me the locations of the wood ties.


Here are the switch ties are laid and the glue allowed to dry overnight.  Nor that this is done I can go ahead and lay the track ties.


I don't have the patience to lay them one by one so I made a jig for that too. :)   I made this jig when I first started building my layout on 2007 (has it been that long already?).  This jig has got plenty of use since it was built and was even loaned out a few times.


Strings of switch ties ready to go.  The goal is to have all the switch ties laid before I leave for Florida on February 22, 2025.

Hopefully there will be one more update before I leave.

Thanks for looking in.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Ron, I can't see any of the pictures.
All I see is the blue question mark.

Very strange.
I can see them now.

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