Sunday Jan 19

Started by KentuckySouthern, January 19, 2025, 08:31:59 AM

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and just like that, it's basketball season in Michigan.... >:(

Winter is sliding in like a swooshing express of frigid blast from the Polar Express...  :o 

Hot fresh oatmeal with blue berries and brown sugar, Hardcourt fired thick Bobber caboose brew, in the enamel pot on the orange glowing pot belly...a cooler of the soda deJour sits on the back platform, a pot of hot water to brew up a bit o'tea is on the front stove as well.  Toast and biscuits and we'll cook up some eggs and bacon while the crew makes a couple of set outs here before we take siding for that express...

The Lions ran out of steam last night...the kid commander did well and Brady sure wasn't too biased, was he?

Spartan hoops at noon, dinner with one of the girls at 2.  Hobby stuff as time allows.

I hope everyone has a great day, toss some extra logs in the fire.  Be safe


Good morning,

Another gray wet dreary day here.  Perfect for working in the basement.  ;D

Going to be working on the upper level benchwork/screen walls today.




Morning all.

Four below zero with a high of six degrees F here today.  I'll be staying inside.   Getting back to the FSM kit and football are on today's agenda.  



Good morning from So. Central Wisconsin where the polar vortexing has begun! It was an actual +1f degrees and 0 real feel at 4:30am. At 7am it is -2f actual temperature with the real feel at -9. Or has it? High later today will be +7 with real feelings of -11. Sorry but those while cold are not vortex temperatures. Nor are they dangerously cold to us Midwestern and Northern states dwellers. More hype

Yesterday, 2 of our former employees came over to say good bye. After 30+ years living in Wisconsin and Naturilized citizens they have decided to immigrate to Mexico. They have 2 nephews that came here 5 years ago but never renewed their work visas (never worked for us) and probably are on the 1st list in Chicago to be deported. So they are going back. Our 1st 2 employees as part of the property management company they have saved and invested very well. Hopefully they will live very well but are concerned if the Social Security will actually send them the money monthly. They have been thinking about this since the last Presidential campaign cycle began. The 2 of them and the 2 nephews who came up from Chicago 2 weeks ago are leaving today. They have a couple pickups with large trailers to haul stuff back. Terry and I will miss them...

I watched a part of the AFC game yesterday. I am not a conspiracy follower but damn some of those referee calls seemed funny against Houston. I did not watch even 1 play of Lions/Washington. Good for Washington though. Sorry Karl, but the Sparty Basketball team should be fun again to watch...

Because the world via a polar vortex was ending today, 2 of the grandson's hockey games today at home were cancelled. I have not checked the local school district website to see if classes for Monday were cancelled.

The next couple days of scheduled operating sessions were already cancelled to the feared Vortex! We have a grocery trip to do but Terry says it's just stuff on sale that if we don't go we won't really miss it. My diet Dr Pepper supply is excellent so I'm ok.

I will get to the train room and work on the layout



Morning all,

Rainy day today.  Still, it's not freezing cold outside.  Currently it's 74 degrees.  It'll cool off this week with highs projected to be in the 50's (I can see you guys stuck in the vortex rolling your eyes ::)).

Workbench and football on tap for today.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

I turned the furnace off yesterday and started running ceiling fans to circulate the air. Tonight the furnace will definitely be on with 40's expected tomorrow morning.

I've completed the daily chores so after this post I'm headed to the train room.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Awaiting snow caused Armageddon. Those who "know the weather" are forecasting 4" to 8". And yes, the NFL playoff game is scheduled for 4 PM, right in the teeth of the storm. It won't be nearly as much fun to watch as last night's blowout in Detroit. The ""Washington franchise" was 0-4 last season. Now they're two games away from the Big Dance.
Time to get serious about preparations for Amherst the end of this week. Looking forward to starting off the New Year once again in Massachusetts. Off to the basement after French toast.
Stay warm and dry, guys.
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.

Jim Donovan

Good Morning Folks;

I'm married to a die hard Lions fan so no joy in Mudville today. I heard from a sister-in-law saying Dan Campbell could not take Detroit to the Super Bowl. As I am first first a Bucs fan I told her, 'maybe not but if it came down to having Brady as quarterback for a Superbowl win or Tony Dungy (who never won a Superbowl at Tampa) back as our coach I know Tampa would vote for Dungy in a landslide'. Some coaches are very good and then there are those few who actually can bring an entire City/ State together. Campbell is one of those. Detroit did good getting him as coach and you know they will have fire in their eyes next year.

As for today, off to a play and then back for some evening work on the flour mill build. Hope everyone enjoys this chilly day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


No F-word for me after the Stillers failed once again to win a playoff game.  But if I were interested, the Ravens/Bills game is probably the one to watch.  Tough for the Lions, hard to win with so many turnovers.  

More work on Lamson today, I'll start on the roof shingles.  We have snow coming in late afternoon, 4-8", and I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

Larry C

Good morning from a semi-cold New York sitting @ 21. Tomorrow starts a 3 day cold snap; maybe not polar vortex but still dang cold with lows around 5-ish and the highs in the low teens. Not much going on here today since I am not a FB fan.

Have a great day and stay warm.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


 Morning from a cold Minnesota. Have been off line for most of this year. From have a busy 4th quarter at the candy shop, to having our car totaled in November by someone who was having a medical emergency, to calling 911 early this year to save a family member who had a stroke and spent 5 days in the hospital, no modeling has been the norm.
Just wanted to let the crew here know what was going on...if you knew about this, Thanks for all the prayers...Tommy
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good afternoon. The NH seacoast had some sun earlier but now it's overcast and 40s.  The snow is due this evening, cold said to be following Monday night.  I've been doing paperwork and research but now it's clearly my last chance to airbrush with the attic window open...


Good afternoon.

Forgot to check in this morning as I was running a couple shopping errands, picking up some odds and ends. The NWS has backed off on the snow total forecast for today.  Apparently the storm is tracking further east that they originally thought, so the latest forecast is for only a couple inches of the white stuff. 

I hope everyone has a safe warm and productive day, what there is left of it.



Did I sleep that long?

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