Monday January 27

Started by TomO/Tloc, January 27, 2025, 08:09:47 AM

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Good morning from the So. Central Wisconsin. My location is just a bit west of the Madison city limits. It's 18f degrees and the app claims we will get into the low 40's. Our snow cover in my eyes is completely gone. Normally this time of year we have about 14" on the ground. The snowmobilers have not been too enthused this season in my part of Wisconsin.

The coffee is the Pullman Porters secret blend. Today's breakfast menu served on real plates and silverware is a choice of Belgian Waffles with Northern Wi. maple syrup, bacon from Nuetzkes (#1 ranked by American top chefs) located in Wittenberg, Wi. And if you've got excess funds is available via mail. Bread instead of waffles is home made sourdough served warm with a side of churned butter. Grapes and raspberries are from Chile. We have thick ham slices from the local HyVee and they don't indicate which Country or State it's from. We also have for the less finicky coffee drinkers the currently tariff free blend from Columbia. Sodas are from the beverage makers corporately located in Plano, Texas. Diet Dr. Pepper, 7up and A&W root beer are very chilled and just ask your porter! Teas, milk and hot chocolate are brewed.

I watched the last 1/2 of the Bills/Swifties game from KC. It was on while I was creating some tree shapes from my previously made wire tree armatures.

Earlier at 4pm since Terry and I both felt better we headed to campus to watch #1 Wisconsin Women's hockey play #11 St Cloud State. #1 beat #11 on Saturday 5-2 but on any given Sunday. StCS played super while the Badgers seemed to just be floating around the ice yesterday. 2-2 tie with the Badgers winning the shoot out.

Morning time saw me in the layout room. I'm realigning a section of track due to an occasional derailing issues. Pulling up the rail was easy, ME code 70 glued to Central Valley ties. Pulling up the ties, the cork road bed was not. Ended up creating fissures, cracks and fault lines in the pink earth under. So I've been patching that. Hopefully after sanding today I can put the roadbed back in.

Enjoy your day


Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Tom. Good to hear you and Terry felt good enough to go out. Looks like you have quite the project going.

I'm working in the train shed today.

Have a great day ya'll.


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Vietnam Seabee

Thanks for a great breakfast, tom...speaking of Dr Pepper, I have a cabin in south west Virginia very near where the actual Dr Pepper lived and is buried (Rural Retreat, VA)....Dr Pepper had a young pharmacist working for him that fell in love with Dr Pepper's daughter...Dr Pepper nixed the love affair so the young man moved to Texas where he ultimately concocted the soft drink. Because he still respected the good doctor he named the drink Dr Pepper...true story, Google it

PRR Modeler

Good Morning,

TomO thanks for opening and breakfast. I'm glad you both are feeling better.

I started out with a walk at 49F. I didn't need to use the hood on my jacket.  :)

Interesting story Terry.

Today after laundry I'll be in the train room like Tom and TomO.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning all.

Sunny and less cold in Cleveland this morning. Hope the post office brings my package today...why did they think that Cincinnati was on the direct route from Wisconsin to Cleveland? and after blaming everything on the winter storms, why has the PO taken another four days to go from the 'regional facility' in Cleveland to my carrier's substation?



Morning. I needed breakfast this morning. My local place closed up this weekend. Spent yesterday putting away my Springfield booty, mostly details and scenery supplies.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Mornin' all,

It's an ugly gray wet day here.  Busy with real work.

I bought a new mixer. It looks good in the kitchen.  :)

Ok, it's a cheap drill press from Harbor Freight.  I have about 200 holes to drill through steel components  as I start working on the middle level benchwork supports.




Temp in the 20s with sun  8) this morning in my slice of Michigan a few miles W of the City of Lansing... :o

We're under a Wild Assed Wind Warning with a dash of late day snow to stir the mix a bit, gusts to 45-50 per forecast.  The sun feels good thru the window this morning and an early dash out to the curb to retrieve the "ash bin" before it blows across the road into the ditch wasn't intolerable after ~00 much of last week. 8)

Interesting phenomenon...after the Tik Tok was shut down a week ago lots of folks apparently erased the app from their cell phones.  Since it is back in operation, the shallow end of the pool is in a panic! :o  If you go to the App can't download the app :'(  so, it appears there is an entrepreneurial spirit appearing on eBay....folks selling their phones that have the app installed....this is a link to the SOLD listings from eBay...  I've never ever been on or seen a TikTok video, I don't understand, but wow. 

Layout work is on the agenda today.  Long neglected cleaning continues.  :D

Everyone enjoy the day.  Let us know how the cake turns out Doug.  I have a similar 'mixer' on a floor stand I've used in my shop for 25+ years...still works, rarely used.  NOT a fan of Harbor Freight drill bits in the workshop sizes.  I've used some of their small hobby sized 1/8", 1/16" etc on model projects with no issue, but the bigger ones can get duller than one of my posts in no time.  :-X

Be well all.  :-X  :-X


Well, we were in my German class at the senior center, and we heard a loud rumble.  Since the library next door has construction starting soon, I thought they were moving some equipment into position.  Nope.  It was a Magnitude 3.8 shallow earthquake, about 10 miles off the coast.  Of course, everyone's cell phones went into overdrive with "What was that?"  "Did you feel it?" messages, etc.  

So an exciting start to the week.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Hard to top an earthquake for excitement, but I'll try.

How about free magazines?

Here's a screenshot of just some titles I found on Libby:

My local library is a member of a larger consortium of local libraries and as such offers Hoopla, Flipster and Libby which are different digital streaming platforms.

My library offers access to them for free. Obviously, your library might differ.

All three offer some magazine titles amongst their listings, but as far as I can find, only Libby offers titles of interest to the subject matter here. Here is a screenshot of titles I got after searching "Railroad" within Libby's magazine section.

Searching Libby's magazines for "modeling" returns more periodical titles like Model Rail, Model Engineer, Model Railway (Australia) but at 4 pages of results, too many to capture in a single screen shot.  Of note to many here is that list also contains Fine Scale Modeler

I searched around before posting this information here, here is the best I could come up with as a relative newcomer.  Moderators please direct it to where it fits best.
Mark from Illinois

Mr. Critter

Good evening.  Ordered a Micro-Mark magnetic gluing jig from Amazon Canada, and it arrived bent- the corner with the relief-cut for passing thin stock though it got pranged.   Of course there was no padding in the box.  It's going back.

My similarly poorly-packed 2-inch angle plates, ordered at the same time and shipped from a different warehouse, managed to not escape from the unpadded envelope they arrived in, to my surprise.

Winds are blowin' a gale, here.  Force 7, gusts to Force 9.  Noisy out there!

Jim Donovan

Quote from: IWannaRetire on January 27, 2025, 01:11:05 PMHard to top an earthquake for excitement, but I'll try.

How about free magazines?

Here's a screenshot of just some titles I found on Libby:

My local library is a member of a larger consortium of local libraries and as such offers Hoopla, Flipster and Libby which are different digital streaming platforms.

My library offers access to them for free. Obviously, your library might differ.

All three offer some magazine titles amongst their listings, but as far as I can find, only Libby offers titles of interest to the subject matter here. Here is a screenshot of titles I got after searching "Railroad" within Libby's magazine section.

Searching Libby's magazines for "modeling" returns more periodical titles like Model Rail, Model Engineer, Model Railway (Australia) but at 4 pages of results, too many to capture in a single screen shot.  Of note to many here is that list also contains Fine Scale Modeler

I searched around before posting this information here, here is the best I could come up with as a relative newcomer.  Moderators please direct it to where it fits best.


Great reference material. I posted a copy of your information in the 'Details' area of the Forum for all to see, thanks.

Holland & Odessa Railroad

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