North Coast Railroad

Started by Dave Buchholz, February 01, 2025, 10:14:20 AM

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Isn't that supposed to be Hojack Line not Hijack Line?

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds

Dave Buchholz

New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

Dave Buchholz

Early on, in the life of plans for the North Coast Railroad,  I was able to get hold of the RDA Hermanson Mill. It's an all plaster casting.  I just always loved  all that stone work.
. After the basic primer went on, and the initial colors of stone were added, I glued the structure together. Of course, there were gaps, I filled that with modeling putty to make sure that no gaps existed.

The roof as shown, was unfinished at the time  of the picture. It took a few rolls of Campbells shingles.  At the moment,  with the exception of details like crates  and scenery details, it is finished and awaiting placement when the time comes.End wall.JPGIMG_1226.JPGHemanson all walls 1.JPG
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Howdy Dave,  Wow, what an excellent structure.  The stone coloring looks fantastic.  Is it mounted on the layout?  Have fun, mike

Dave Buchholz

Not mounted quite yet. There is some track and sensor locations below it that need wiring up first.

 I had not originally decided its purpose, until I studied the history of area industries. The Real North Coast area is blessed with an abundance of fruit orchard and vegetable farms. In particular it is the largest producer of apples and cabbage.

With those raw materials it is no wonder there are major canneries and multiple cold storage units that still exist to this day. Motts, famous for Juice and apple sauce makes its home here, as is one of  the Fleischmann's Vinegar plants and Silver Floss Sauerkraut nearby.

So with that background in mind, the Hermanson's mill will become a vinegar and pickling plant, in "Williamson" area, on the hill, just to the left of the entrance. It will require a tank farm to go along with lots of tall tanks and piping suppling them it.

New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

Mark Dalrymple

Looking good, Dave.

I still have Hermanson's mill in a box 3/4 done.  I did some serious bashing on it.  I remember it being a fun project.

Cheers, Mark.


Quote from: Dave Buchholz on February 08, 2025, 10:05:35 PMEarly on, in the life of plans for the North Coast Railroad,  I was able to get hold of the RDA Hermanson Mill. It's an all plaster casting.  I just always loved  all that stone work....
I have a couple of RDA's plastic kits on my layout, but I didn't recall them doing plaster kits too.  Looks good.

Dave Buchholz

JBVB, to my limited knowledge, the Hermanson Mill was the only plaster kit that they made. At least it is the only one I've ever seen.  I have not seen it reoffered by the company that bought their operation.

I mentioned in the prior post about creating a Vinegar and pickling plant. I bought a few piping kits from Walther's to interconnect the tanks. I will try repairing and repainting  the stone ice house to match the building. As well as direct all the piping to it as it becomes the new pump house control building.

This photo is an updated photo. The roof is on, and the vinegar tanks are in the proposed but not finalized positions.  The background storm has been added to as well.IMG_4633.JPG
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

Dave Buchholz

One of the structures in the actual port of Oswego, was the building below,. "Cahill Fish" was a commercial fishing company, that fished Lake Ontario with the last Great Lakes Fishing Tug ever launched, the Eleanor D.

 Sylvan Models makes a version in 1/87 with three different Bridge configurations. I'm saving one of the bridges for the big grain ship in my harbor.

 RDA also makes a stone building of almost identical but smaller design. ( Already selectively compressed for the North Coast.) They will both be featured on the North Coast90744471_10157253816210186_1545477963523293184_o.jpg 
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

Dave Buchholz

Here's the models of both the Fishing Tug  from Sylvan  and what will be the North Coast version of Cahill Fish in Oswego, made by RDA IMG_4637.JPGIMG_4636.JPG
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Dave your stonework is excellent.  I like the tug and looking forward on how you do it.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Heck of a layout Dave! Nice work!

Larry C

Dave what a great looking layout so far. Love all your "stone work' which really pops against your backdrop and stormy skies.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

Dave Buchholz

Thank you all for the positive comments. If at any point, you have any suggestions or constructive criticism along the way, please feel free to air them here.
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Hermanson in Plaster is a much better looking kit than Hermanson in plastic.  The problem I have is that I went a bit overboard carving out the window openings.  Jim Mooney (Bar Mills) gave me a set of laser cut windows for that.  I need to find a spot on the layout for that project.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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