Old Ambroid/NESL coach kit

Started by deemery, February 03, 2025, 04:39:51 PM

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Well, I went back and looked closely again at the coach and the NESL stock.  The number of windows on my model matches what's on James' model, so from that I conclude the sides are the same length.  I bought the roof pieces from NESL, I presumed they would be correct, since NESL updated the old Ambroid kit. 

Bob Parrish suggests cutting 2 NESL roofs and splicing them together to the correct length.  I do have 2 roofs, so that's feasible from a parts perspective.  And I looked closely at the roofs to figure out how to glue them together.  The result will be a bit delicate, but doable.  

The clerestory height seems to be about the same between the two roofs (LaBelle and NESL).  The LaBelle roof piece is thicker on top of the clerestory, so that adds probably 1/32 of height.  I didn't measure total roof height, though.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


I have several unbuilt kits, plus the built one and another in (stalled) progress.  I'll measure the length of the open part of my kits roofs tonight or tomorrow and report. It's possible your kit wasn't slotted wide enough. And it looks like there's enough wood to make a couple of razor saw cuts and drill a hole crosswise to extend it a bit.

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