Wednesday - Feb 5 2025

Started by Onewolf, February 05, 2025, 08:16:35 AM

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Mornin' all,

I have been very busy with real work.

I am starting to work on the steel brackets I use to support the middle level around the center platform.  I have been waiting for an order of drill bits. My previous drill bit(s) gave out on the first of the 23 brackets so I was stuck waiting. 

I am looking for another 1 or 2 Atlas Classic RSD-4/5 in Utah Railway livery. Utah Railway is the secondary railroad on my Ogden & Cache Valley layout. I have 2 of them currently (301, 302) but Atlas made a 300 and an unnumbered model. I have an auto Ebay search for Utah Railway and about a month ago it popped up with a print/art of Utah Railway RSDs running a coal load.  So I bought it and got it framed.  Picked up the framed print yesterday.  It works well with my prior Union Pacific print in the model workshop.

Unfortunately there is a lot of reflection on the glass because of the very bright shop lights I have in the model workshop.




Nice looking artwork. I've several different framed prints that currently don't "fit in" so don't get seen.



Morning All,

I don't eat breakfast, so you're on your own...among other things (like working for a living), I plan to pick up the small amount of lumber I need to put together one more module...then it's on!!

I look forward to sharing what I'm up to, but not much of interest yet...most of it's in my head!

Have a good Hump Day!


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good morning.

Doug, nice prints, thanks for sharing.

Teens and sunny here this morning with a forecast high this afternoon in the twenties. Tomorrow looks very different with a forecast calling for a mix of rain, snow, and freezing rain.  Yuck!

Planning to work on some applying decals to a couple freight cars and maybe a caboose today.

I hope everyone has a great day!


Morning, chilly start in SE NH, +10 when I took the dogs out.  Heading to 23 today, with snow tomorrow and likely even more snow on the weekend.  

I'll do a bit more work on the Ambroid passenger car, assembling the rest of the scribed siding strips into a continuous piece for each side.  And I'll paint the sub-walls the trim color.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning, all.  New England weather being what it is, my phone is convinced Thursday's precipitation will arrive as rain, even though I'm maybe 25 miles S of Dave and this time tomorrow the phone says it will be 17F.  NWS says snow > wintry mix > rain, much more plausible and no ad revenue at stake.

I want to keep focus on model railroading the next couple of days, we'll see what the world allows.


Morning all.

Hump day here.  Yesterday work was too busy.  One provider didn't show and the other left about noon due to illness.  By then I  was pretty beat but managed to finish the day as we restricted the number of patients.  Still a lot of influenza here. 

We're supposed to get freezing rain starting late this afternoon.  Wonderful.

We're having some drywall repairs done, they started yesterday, but missed the spot on the bathroom ceiling.  I don't know how, they were working about 3 feet away and in the direction of the needed repair.  They'll be here in a few hours again and I'll point that out. 



Afternoon all, 

Heading to the workbench after a bit of lunch. Getting back into the groove after slacking for a couple of weeks. 

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

PRR Modeler

Afternoon All,

Supposed to get to 80F here. I think our winter is done. :-X Like Jeff we have drywall repairs tomorrow followed by our painting. Fun times.

Doug great looking prints.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good afternoon from Wisconsin. It's 28f degrees feels like 15.

Nothing done in the train room today other than re-stocking the soda and water frig under the layout.

I did start yesterday the process of building a grove of Weeping/Trembling Aspen trees for a friend. Cut wooden dowels into 12" lengths and threw them in a stain bath yesterday for a few hours. Pulled them out at 7 last night to dry. This afternoon the plan is to make a template for my Dremel drill stand to put holes in the dowels (tree trunk) to attach the branches. I have enough Aspen leaf for maybe 40 trees but not enough for all the dowels I cut

The branches will be wrapped florist wire 24gauge. I have enough for at least 2 trees from my experimenting the last 15 months. I use a Medium thick CA to attach the branches to the tree trunk.

Enjoy the day


Afternoon all,

Great prints Doug.

Had a doc appointment this morning and taking Pam out to dinner later this afternoon.

I'm in a little funk about modeling. I've tried to get to the work bench the past several days and real world stuff keeps popping up. Looks like Friday will be the day to get back to modeling and the flat iron build.

Hope all are having a great day.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Jim Donovan

Late check in for me. Been doing some house work and some bench time. Really not much else going on, tomorrow is doctor day, oh well. 

Holland & Odessa Railroad

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