Monday, February 10th

Started by Larry C, February 10, 2025, 07:54:06 AM

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Larry C

Good Morning,

The coffee pot's ready along with assorted pastries this morning. Didn't watch the game; really have never been interested.

Cold here in New York @ 22 with a high of 27; is it Spring yet??? Enjoy your day.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning all.

Thanks for breakfast, Larry.  Not spring here, but we will barely break the freezing mark today. 

I have doctor appointment this morning and need to stop at the grocery store as well. 

Did my taxes yesterday so that's taken care of, and did some cleanup around my downstairs area as well.

Need to get to work on the FSM kit today.



Good morning everyone.

Mid 50's here today in south central CA.

Gym, grocery shopping and a haircut planned for today.

Have a great day everyone.


Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Larry. I had mine in the Geezer's Lounge.

Cool here this morning at 60 and going to a high of 83. Perfect weather.

I spent some time in the yard yesterday and now I'm ready for Spring.

I didn't watch the big game yesterday as I didn't want to watch T Swift.

Have a great day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Dave Buchholz

New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good Morning! Thanks for the coffee Larry.

Well Philadelphia blew them away. Started watching in the 4th quarter. Was graining and staining the latest 5 dollar kit. It may be ok..

Winter advisory the next couple of days. 4 inches on the way..

Have a great day!

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Doing a last perusal of the forum before going to the workbench.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Well done, Birds! So much for a threepeat.
Looking out the window at the bird (squirrel) feeder, I think Punxatawny Phil screwed up. A Porcine robin and the finches are showing yellow. Hope they're good indicators that warmer weather is on the way. Soon.
Later, ya'll.
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Good morning crew,

It's cloudy and 48F headed to 60F.  Haircut and Masonic Lodge meeting are on tap for the day.

Have fun,


Good morning from Wisconsin where it feels like 3f degrees. Actual temperatures should hit low 30's this afternoon.

Terry wants out of the house today and we usually limit day trips to no more than 90 minutes drive from the house when they are last minute decisions. Problem is it is Monday with many shops and eateries being closed.

My final offer is a trip to Pewaukee, Wi. 75 miles and 70 minutes away. 3 of our favorable restaurants are open today for a late 1 to 2pm lunch. It's a nice little area with shopping, lakes, CPKC rail line, a couple art galleries and Hiawatha Hobbies is there too. She knows that smiled and said maybe!

I'm headed to the showers as I did my 3 mile walk already and waiting for her decision



Good morning, all.  The lower Merrimack Valley is overcast and a little above freezing, clear tonight and down to the teens.  They think that pattern will last till Thursday, maybe.  Going to the Selectmen's meeting late afternoon, probably some modeling time before and after.


Mornin,' All!

21, feels like 9, grey blanket beginning to fray overhead, and occasional flurries here in the northern mitten today.  Looks like a repeating pattern until Wednesday afternoon, when the WGFA are predicted to arrive in force, just in time for Wednesday evening's Op Session.  <sigh>  Oh, well... it is what it is, and whatever will be, will be.  Sounds like a song cue!

Nothing major on the agenda today, and like Charlie Brown, I've had a look at the calendar to see what I need to dread coming up. Appointments tomorrow, and taxes still to be addressed.  Need a trip to get paint for HoJo's interior, though....  Onward!

Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!

in Michigan


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds

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