March 8

Started by KentuckySouthern, March 08, 2025, 09:50:56 AM

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snow and cold in Michigan this morning with company at the suet block this morning

Woody the Pileated Woodpecker -quite a big bird!

Enjoy the day everyone.



Morning! High winds yesterday caused power outages and road closures throughout the Merrimack Valley and southern New Hampshire with more today. Not only did I get all my neighbors recycling, I ended with the barrel too. I think I'll stay in.


We have those, too.  It's fun to hear them call, kinda "Woody Woodpecker" sounding...  There's one tree in our yard where they've cut big holes into a white pine.  I'll grab a photo and post maybe tomorrow. 

Our snow cover is much reduced, the dogs were actually able to find some grass for their morning duties.  They still have to walk gingerly across the black ice on the driveway (where the snow melt washes across the driveway and then freezes overnight.) 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Good morning everyone.

It will be sunny and 57 later today here in Pacific Grove.

After filling up with diesel and water I'll probably walk around downtown with Star.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning, all. The sun was bright when it rose; Now the lower Merrimack Valley is overcast with frequent roaring gusts, though not as intense as yesterday.  We're more rural than Dave or Raymo.  Power was/is off on the other side of town, but with our PV/battery I wasn't sure about ours. But my grid pilot light down cellar was on when I checked the oil tank just now.

Debating whether to drive an hour for a meeting I could Zoom from home.  One of NH's remaining hobby shops (we never had many) is near the meeting site but I have 50 layout projects I could work on without buying a single thing.


The projects will be there tomorrow and the hobby store will be closed.  :)


Morning all.

Sunny and heading to 52 here today.  

Just did five minutes on the new elliptical.  I'll do another five later.  Will slowly work up.  Some knee pain.  Ortho yesterday doesn't think it's serious, and not due to osteoarthritis, so I don't need a knee replacement.   ;D  He'd like me to take Advil, but I can't for another two months due to my back surgery.  If it doesn't improve in a few weeks, we'll get an MRI.  

Might get back to the bench, we'll see.  I do feel like running a train around the layout, will do that today.  


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