My Poor man's FSM Rollins Sawyer Chemicals

Started by barrymk, December 23, 2013, 07:50:16 AM

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Well now my Dropbox pics are showing.  Ain't I.T.  great when it does what you want? Thanks again to Jaime and everyone else who chipped in to help on this. Any way I hope the wait was worth it!

As craftsman kits are necessarily expensive, not everyone has the hobby pound/dollar to indulge and I wondered if it is possible to build a plastic kit to such a high standard of detailing that it might pass for its more expensive cousin. My aim was to try and build the old Lifelike Supply House plastic kit to look similarly detailed as the FSM Rollin Sawyer craftsman kit modelled from a very similar design.  You be the judge! Anyway I did my darndest. Here are some photos of the diorama ready to go on the layout. Sorry about the backdrop!


It's amazing how a little TLC can turn a plastic building into a cool structure.

Glad you got the Dropbox Public folder linking working.

Well done.



Thanks Jaime. l'm a great believer that these old chestnuts still have much potential if you give them that TLC and a bit of creativity. It could almost become a sub-hobby. Now I have a Black Bear Deck Truss bridge kit to finish off so I can start scenicking the Rio Bozo gorge and the Plughole Falls. Regards


Wow I love it great to see what can be done with a little TLC and experience. From one of those guys who does not have a lot of hobby $$ and keep trying to scratch build just to get better
Ken Crump
KC's Workshop


Thanks Ken, in  the same vein here's a couple of shots  of a recent quick 'n dirty build of a Pola Speedy Andrew's  repair shop into a homestead.

tabooma county rwy

Excellent work on both structures!  Love that chicken and cat on the roof of the homestead - really adds some character!

Al Carter


Thanks Al, I hope the cat gets it for all the ones here cr***ing on my garden!


Here is one of my poor mans models all made out of the scrap box
Ken Crump
KC's Workshop


Cool, just right for the other side of the tracks.


All I can say is AWESOME. It is amazing what can be done with plastic when you take your time and foresight to see what it should look like when finished. I really like the spillage on the loading dock.  Thanks for sharing..


Cheers Bart yes it looks as if O'Houlihan has a lot of explaining to do to Foremen Burns and a lot of cleanup too.

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