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Messages - Zephyrus52246

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday, July 23
July 23, 2024, 09:29:20 AM
Morning all.

I'm not retired yet, and am leaving on our trip to see the grandkids and the airshow today.  Should be back Friday or Saturday.  Try not to get too rowdy while I'm gone. 

Morning all.

I woke up late and live a time zone west of you are my excuses. 

Wife just left for her MRI.  Mine from two weeks ago didn't look great, I meet with neurosurgery later in August.  I suspect she'll have the same issue, but we'll see.

Need to pack later (without the dog noticing, as she gets hyped, even though she will go with us), for our trip tomorrow.  Mowed Saturday with the deck lowered a notch and will do the same today so it doesn't look like a jungle when we return. 

Good luck on the surgery tomorrow for your wife's surgery, Jim. 

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday, July 21, 2024
July 21, 2024, 07:43:04 AM
Morning all.

Forgot to check in yesterday.  I went 6.3 miles on Friday's walk, skipped yesterday and will do a shorter one today.  Need to clean out the van for our trip this week.  We've put purchasing a new one on hold, as the 2025s should be announced in a week or so and we'll see if it's worth waiting.  Probably will start packing for the trip as well. 

I hope to attach the pieces to the top of the walls on the ITLA kit to "finish" it today.

Great looking city block, Eric.  Glad to see you found your way back here. 

Kit Building / Re: Syzdek Mfg by Downtown Deco
July 19, 2024, 09:40:09 AM
Your build is turning out great.  Love the bump out, sign and the roof details. 

Morning all.

First of my eleven days off.   ;D  Probably will go for a long walk today, I'm up to five plus miles, which should be sufficient for when I go to the Oshkosh airshow next week.  My son and I walked about 8 miles over 8 hours a couple of years ago.  

I hope to get some train stuff done, but not a lot of motivation there.  

Wow, that table with the beakers and stuff (and the tiny labels) looks great.  So do the chairs.  

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thursday, July 18, 2024
July 18, 2024, 09:30:27 AM
Morning all.

0827 and no patients yet.  I almost enjoy working in the summer as it's pretty quiet.  

They found no leak with the car, but the timing belt and spark plugs need replacing soon for over $2K.  I've convinced the wife we need to replace the van as I'm not pouring that amount of money into a sixteen year old vehicle.  

If I can make it through today I have the next eleven days off.   Headed to the Oshkosh air show next week.  

Morning all.

Nice picture, Bob.  I hope no one was holding on to that grab iron when it came off.   :o

Cooler here finally, though the humidity is already at 87%.  

The van goes in for an oil change today, plus there were a couple of reddish spots on the garage floor.  Brake fluid, transmission fluid or rust?  The van is 16 years old with 94K miles and if it's an expensive repair it will be replaced.  

Morning all.

It's going to be a bit cooler here today.  I'm stuck at work so I won't notice.  >:(

To answer from yesterday, Dave,  no house calls.   ;D  The wife will want the deck and gazebo power washed first.  

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Monday, July 15, 2024
July 15, 2024, 08:06:19 AM
Morning all.

Trash/recycling is out and car is charging.   Gonna be another hot one today.  The humidity is 93% already.  I'll be going out for my walk early, hopefully can make at least four miles.   

The garage cleaning was a chore yesterday, not only because it felt like a sauna.  I moved everything, swept everything, and...the power washer didn't work.  At first it was due to water hook up issues, but later  it tripped the circuit breaker, and I think it burned the motor out.  So after an online study of power washers (and drying off), fortunately Lowe's had the one in stock I wanted, and at $50 off.  The garage still wasn't dried out after 3 plus hours.  


Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday, July 14, 2024
July 14, 2024, 09:08:20 AM
Morning all.

Thunderstorms rumbled through this morning, but it's not going to cool us off.  Hope to get the garage washed out today.

Morning, all.

Happy BD to Jim.  

Going to be hot the next few days here, 90s and humid.  Will probably go for a walk this morning before that settles in.  

Both vehicles need interior/exterior cleaning and the garage needs power washing.  Perhaps I'll get to those over the next 3 days.  

Need to get back to layout work as well.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday, July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024, 08:47:55 AM
Morning all.

TGIF, my four day weekend is here.   I have an MRI scheduled this morning and will go out for an early dinner this afternoon to a set of villages west of here called the Amanas.  They are an Amish sect from Germany and have restaurants that serve great food.  Der sauerbraten est wunderbar!

Kit Building / Re: FOS Scale Quinn Elbow
July 11, 2024, 02:31:06 PM
Very nice work.

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